The Date

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I woke up and I could see through the small gap in the curtains that it was snowing. Aww, I love the snow, it makes everything feel more like christmas, even though it's only the 9th of December.

The day went so slow, probably because I was excited for the date. But eventually it was 3pm so I decided to get ready. I curled my hair and applied my makeup. I got dressed into something nice and put on some heels. I put on a warm jacket, like Niall said, and got my bag ready. Before I knew it, it was 3:50 so I decided to sit and wait in the living room for Niall to come.
I was just sitting, looking at twitter on my phone when I noticed my sister come in the room and heading over to the door. "Hey, I'm going out with Max tonight so I'm going to stay the night at his, are you going to be okay staying here on your own?" she asked. "Yeah I'll be fine" I smiled. "Okay, I've got to go now, good luck for your little date!" She said with a wink before going out the door. I just laughed at her.
Soon I heard a knock at the door. I opened it to see Niall standing there, leaning against the pillar with his arms crossed. "Hey babe, you ready?" he asked. "Yeah" I said before turning the light off and leaving, closing and locking the door behind me. Niall lead to his car in the drive way and we got it.

Niall began to drive. "You look really nice" Niall said quietly. "Thankyou, you don't look too bad yourself Horan" I said, blushing from his comment. "So where are we going?" I asked. "You know that 'Winter Wonderland' that's opened In town?" he asked. "Yeah with the stalls and rides and everything?" I said. "Yeah well I'm taking you there but I'm not telling you what we're going to be doing" he said. "why not?" I asked. "its a surprise" he said with a wink. We talked for the rest of the journey until he pulled into a parking space in town. Once we got out the car, Niall then took my hand in his and we walked to where the 'Winter Wonderland'. This 'Winter Wonderland' place is here every Christmas. It's held in Ray Street Gardens, it's basically a lot of stalls being put up selling Christmas things, really nice food, and other things. It also has rides like the ones from a carnival like The big Wheel, a carousel and other rides. It's always lit up with a lot of Christmas lights. It's like a Christmas Fun Fair. It always looked so beautiful at this time of night with all the Christmas lights, and especially because its right next to the water where they had a pier which also was filled with Christmas lights.
"I need to cover your eyes now, so it doesn't ruin the surprise" Niall said putting his hands over my eyes, Causing me to laugh.

"Okay I'm gonna let you open them now" said Niall, though before he took his hands off, he whispered in my ear "Hope you can skate, princess". I opened my eyes and saw the ice rink in front of us. Lots of people were skating on the ice, couples, families, though it wasn't too busy. There was Christmas lights above the whole rink and around the edges of the rink. It looked so pretty. "Aww Niall" I chuckled. "C'mon" he said leading me over to the desk to pay and get boots.

Once Niall and I had got our skates on we headed to the ice. Niall got on first, he was a little unsteady the first couple of steps but then he was fine waited for me to join him. "C'mon it's not too hard" Niall smirked. "Niall, I haven't skated in years! I'm gonna be falling all over the place!" I laughed. Niall then came over to me, still on the ice, and stood facing me giving me his hand to hold. "I've got you Kylie" he spoke before I took his hand and stepped onto the ice. My first couple of steps were a bit unsteady and wobbly but soon enough I was skating along with Niall as we talked and laughed, my hand still held tightly in his.
When I first met Niall he came across as this big tough guy who was over protective and stubborn. But now I'm starting to see that he's not really like that, he's sweet, kind, thoughtful and caring. He has a smile that can light up this whole town and his laugh is the most amazing sound I have ever heard. I think I'm really falling for him...
Just when Niall is telling me about when he used to go skating with his brother, I wasn't paying attention to my skating and the next thing I know i start slipping, then I start falling and land right on my bum on the cold ice. Niall has a worried look of concern on his face when he sees me, but before he can say anything he can see me start to laugh as I begin to blush and his concern soon fades as he starts to laugh with me. "are you alright?" Niall manages to ask between laughs as he gives me his hands to help me up. I get up, both my hands still in his and look up to him, my cheeks still blushing. "You have really nice eyes" Niall says, looking into them, his laughter completely gone. "Thank you" I said looking down, blushing even more, if that was even possible! I then felt his hand on my chin, gently lifting it up so I was back to looking into his eyes. His hand then moved to the side of my cheek and he moved closer, closing his eyes. I then felt his lips meet mine. I felt a thousand butterflies in my stomach, I felt like we were the only ones here, I felt like time was frozen and all that mattered in the world was this kiss. Niall soon pulled out, a smile spread across his lips as his cheeks turned light pink to match mine. "I've got another surprise, come on" Niall whispered leading me off the ice to give the boots back and go to where ever Niall wanted to take me.

Niall had covered my eyes again as he lead to his surprise. We had been walking for quite a bit when we suddenly stopped. "Wait two seconds" Niall said standing still covering my eyes and now covering my ears aswell. He soon took his hands off my ears though kept them on my eyes as we continued to walk again. After walking for not very long Niall told me to sit down on the chair I could feel behind me. I sat down and Niall took his hands off my eyes. I opened my eyes to see that we were sitting at one of the small table on the beautifully lit up pier. In front of us on the table was two burgers and fries and 2 cokes which Niall must've bought when he covered my ears. "D'you like it?" Niall asked in his Irish accent. "Ofcourse I do, it's really nice Niall" I said with a smile. We soon began talking as we began to eat.

We were now walking back to the car, Niall's arm around me. I then got a text and as I looked at my phone, I saw it was from my sister. It read "Hey Kylesss, I'm staying over at Max's tonight, so don't wait up for me or anything when you get home:) hope your dates going well;) x" .
"You can stay at mine tonight, I don't want you on your own" Niall said. He's must've read the text aswell. "No Niall it's fine-" "I'm not taking no for an answer Kylie, your staying with me!" Niall said smiling as he opened the car door for me. I decided not to argue with Niall, if staying over at his house, with him knowing that I'm safe and not home alone, keeps him happy then it's fine.

We soon got to Niall's house and we are now sat in his living room watching a film. He changed into sweatpants though never put a top on, leaving his chest bare. He also gave me one of his tops and a pair of his sweatpants that I changed into. It's now 12:14 and we are nothing lying on the couch, my head on Niall's lap as he plays with my hair while we watch the film. It feels like I've known Niall for years, I feel comfortable with him and I feel like I could trust with anything.
No matter how much I've been trying to keep my eyes open for the past half hour, they're now closed and I can feel myself drifting to sleep. I think Niall's noticed as I can sense him turn off the tv. He then puts his arms under me and lifts me up. He's holding me bridal style as he carries me upstairs, turning the lights off as he goes. he then lays me down on the bed and puts the duvet over me before he gets in himself at the other side. I oped my eyes and turn to face him to find him already looking at me. "I really like you Kylie" he whispers. "I really like you too" I whisper causing a smile to appear on his face. He leaned over and gave me kiss which just as amazing as our first. He then pulled out with his arms still wrapped around me and whispered "Night princess".

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