Tell Me

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You've been at dinner with Niall and you both had a really good time. You've not stopped laughing and smiling the whole night.

It's now half past 10 and you and Niall are walking back to Niall's house.

Your walking hand in hand with Niall along the cobbled pavement when you go quiet and get lost in your thoughts. The whole night you've kept on wanting to ask Niall about Chris. What it is that he done to make Chris hate him so much. You've tried pushing it to the back of your mind but now it's really bothering you. Maybe now is a good time to ask...

"Are you alright?" he asks, that little twinkle in his eyes which seems as though it's enough to light up the whole world . "Yeah, I guess", you lie, but fail at even convincing yourself. "C'mon, don't be like that", he kind of smiles, his arm reaching around you as he pulls you into his chest a little more so he can hold you closer. "Just tell me what's wrong. I'll make it better for you. I promise." He said looking into your eyes.

"Can I ask you something Niall?" you asked.

You stopped walking and stood facing each other, the moonlight shining on your faces.


"Will you tell me what happened with Chris? Please?"

Niall's head dropped to look down to the ground.

"Do you really wanna know?" he said.


He lifted up his head along with his arm and put his fingers through his hair.

"Chris's brother. He used to do boxing with me. We were actually good friends.We used to fight eachother a lot, only for training though. One day he came into training and he was so angry. I asked what was up with him and he just glared at me. His face filled with so much anger. "You know what you did" he said. I didn't have a clue what he was talking about! I asked him what he was talking about and then he began accusing me of having an affair with his girlfriend, which wasn't true! I had never even met his girlfriend in my life! Besides, I would never do that to one of my mates. He didn't say why but for some reason he was so certain it was me. I kept on telling him it wasn't but he didn't listen.

Then our coach ordered us to fight, and our coach never took no for an answer so we both got in the ring.

We began fighting and I could sense the rage in him. Every punch was full of so much force and anger. I was hitting him back just as hard and the fight was getting very intense. He started shouting at me, calling me all sorts of names. I got so angry, why did he think it was me! I shouted back at him and said some things I probably shouldn't have since it just got him even more angry. Before we knew it, the fight was extremely serious and dangerous. We each had blood all over us and even the coaches and other boxers where shouting at us to stop and trying to hold us both back from each other. To me, it was all just a blur. Until one of my punches went straight to his skull and the next thing I knew he was lying on the ground...not moving..not even breathing.

He was rushed to hospital. The punch had hit a bad side of his brain, seriously damaging it and putting him in a coma.

He died a week later while in hospital."

Niall took a deep breath and sat down on the kirb of the pavement.

You stood there shocked before sitting down next to him.

"Chris thinks it's my fault his brother died. I guess in a way it is..." Niall said looking down to the ground.

"No Niall, it wasn't your fault. He could have been in a fight like that with anyone. It wasn't your fault." you spoke softly.

"But they might not have hit him as hard as I did. I didn't mean it, I just don't know what came over me. I'm a murder..."

"No Niall, you're not!" you said.

"Do you hate me?" He croaked.

Only now did you realise he had tears in his eyes. He's so damaged by what happened.

"I could never hate you Niall." you whispered placing a kiss on his cheek.

"You are definitely not a murderer and what happened was not your fault. Don't ever think that you are or that it was. You are the most amazing guy I have ever met. You are strong, honest, brave, protective and I wouldn't want you any other way. You have saved me from so much shit ever since I met you and I don't know what I would have ever done without you in my life. I never want to lose you. Not ever." You said causing Niall to finally look up from the ground and into your eyes.

"I love you" he said, the tears in his eyes now matching yours.

"I love you too" you said, meaning each word.

He kissed you soft and passionately on the lips before you both stood up and walked home hand in hand.

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