You & I

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It's been 2 weeks since the night at Liam and Danielle's. Zayn had planned for everyone to go camping. You knew what that was for....his proposal to Perrie! You haven't told anyone about it, not even Niall! You want to keep it a secret for Zayn. You are going to the campsite just for one night. You are just packing the last things for your bag before Niall comes to pick you up at your house.

As you zip up your bag you hear a car beep from outside, it must be Niall. You put on your hoodie before running downstairs and out to Niall's car, shouting "bye" to your sister who was upstairs getting ready for a date with her boyfriend.

"Hey" you say getting in the car.

"Hey babe" Niall says planting a kiss on your cheek.

"Before we go, have you definitely brought the tent?" you ask Niall while putting your seat belt on.

"Yes Kylie, I'm sure" he teases since you've asked him about 100 times to remember to bring the tent for you two.

You put on your sunglasses as you begin to drive since it's a warm and sunny summer night.


After a 20 minute drive we finally reached the woods where all of us were camping and the other's cars pulled up at the same time as us.

After greeting everyone and getting all the bags from the cars we all walked to the bit were we were going to set up our tents.

"Who wants to go get wood while the rest of us put the tents up? Zayn asked.

"Harry and I will go" Millie said.

"Okay who wants to put up their tent for them?" Zayn said as the couple walked into the woods which were beautifully lit up by the setting sun.

"Me and Dani will, I'm quite good at it" Liam said, praising himself.

"Okay then, let's get these tents set up!" Zayn chuckled.

Everyone spaced out and put down the bags to set up their tents.

"Niall I have no idea how to put up a tent!" I said.

"Me either" he laughed.

"You take out all the poles and stuff from the box and I'll read the instructions" Niall said looking at the instructions through his black Ray Bans. He looked so hot with them on.

Once I had taken all the things out the box Niall handed me the instructions.

"Okay babe, you read the instructions and I'll do it" he said.

As I read out each instruction Niall carefully followed.

"Okay now put that pole into that part" I pointed.

"And then lean forward and give me a kiss" I laughed as Niall followed the instruction, laughing as we pulled out of the kiss.

"Okay I think this is the last part we have to put on, put that pole onto the silver bit" I said.

"This silver bit?" Niall asked.

"Umm no this one" I said, stepping closer to Niall and holding the silver part I was talking about.

"Are you sure? it doesn't fit" Niall said trying to attach it to the pole.

"Let me check" he said leaning over to get the instructions paper which I had left on the log.

As he leant over to reach the instructions he stumbled on a branch on the floor and fell back onto me causing me to fall along with him.

I fell to ground with Niall on top of me as we both burst out laughing.

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