Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Obi-Wan and Anakin sprinted into the hangar, leaping into the nearest speeder. Sadly, for Obi-Wan, Anakin was the one driving. He hated it when Anakin was at the controls, he was always so reckless when it came to flying. Especially when Obi-Wan was around. His apprentice knew that traveling by ship, speeder, etc. drove him insane. He would've rather ran a mile than fly in a transport through the air.

"Do you see her?" Obi-Wan asked as he looked over the edge of the flying vehicle. The traffic was thick at this time of night, and the business seemed to worry the two Jedi eve more. What if she fell? What if she landed on another vehicle and crashed it? What if she was-

'No, I can't afford to think like that right now.' Obi-Wan thought to himself. He couldn't assume what had happened to her, he needed to find her. And fast.

Denali held on as tightly as she could, her braid flying behind her. Her eyes watered from the rushing air that was sweeping past her face as she flew through the air. She could feel her fingers sleeping, but she knew she couldn't let go. Letting go meant falling to her death. Death definitely wasn't an option welcomed at the moment. Just a the thought registered through her mind, she saw someone on one of the buildings lift a rifle, then heard a loud BLAST as the droid she was clinging onto for life was shot down. She let go, falling down through the air. She leveled her body out, so that she was falling at an angle. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a familiar flying transport. The two people in the vehicle were even more recognizable.

"I don't see her anywhere." She heard Anakin say. She smirked as she quietly landed on the back of the speeder, stealthily crawling up to the seats the two were sitting in.

"Master, I think she's-"

"Right behind you?" She finished Anakin's sentence for him. Both of the men shouted in shock, then Anakin began to laugh. Obi-Wan put his hand on his chest, trying to slow down his beating heart. "Scoot over, and follow that vehicle. That's the one our bounty hunter is in." Denali said as she slid in between the two. It was kind of difficult since the craft was only fitted for two riders, but Denali really didn't care. Anakin seemed to like the fact that they were so close. After a moment, he slowly stopped laughing and obeyed her orders.

"What possessed you to jump out of that window?" Obi-Wan finally asked.

"You really freaked us out, Denali." Anakin said as he copied the bounty hunter's swift movements through the sky.

"You two really need to lighten up. I bet one of you would've done the same thing." Denali said, nudging Anakin. The young boy chuckled and rolled his eyes. Obi-Wan rolled his as well, except his action wasn't of amusement like Anakin's had been.

"Anakin, don't lose him." Obi-Wan said, slightly annoyed. Denali kept her eyes on the small ship as it blasted through the air, trying to lose them. But Anakin was doing an amazing job of keeping up with him. Denali honestly had never seen such amazing flying in her life, except for the time at the Boonta Eve Race on Tatooine. When Anakin had won the pod race. But then their speeder came to a stop as she realized Anakin had lost the bounty hunter.

"Excellent job, Anakin. He went completely in the other direction." Obi complained as he crossed his arms. Denali looked at Anakin and they made eye contact, smirks on their faces as they both knew exactly what they were going to do next. Anakin stood up in his seat, taking Denali's hand and helping her to her feet as well.

"If you'll excuse us, Master." Anakin said as they leapt out of the vehicle before Obi-Wan could object. They fell down, hand in hand, as they aimed for the right ship. It was crazy, but they didn't have a better plan. And they had to act fast before the matter flew out of their hands completely. They soon saw it, and angled themselves so that they would land on it properly. Anakin grabbed onto one side, while Denali grasped onto the other, heaving themselves on so that they wouldn't fall off. They looked in at the bounty hunter through the dark window, but couldn't see his face. It was hidden behind a mask.

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