Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Obi-Wan walked down the crowded streets. He checked his commlink again, just to make sure he wasn't hallucinating the time. 2:48 in the morning. He had been out all night, searching for his wife. The first place he had looked was the club that had been to, where they had found her old friend, Gerg. But after over forty-five minutes of looking around, he couldn't find her. He didn't know where else to look, so he naturally just walked through the streets.

"Come on, Kenobi." He heard a voice say as he felt someone grab his hand. He turned around, seeing the small smile of his wife. He quickly walked over to one of the alleys, then wrapped his arms around her. He regretted everything he had said to her, every single harsh word he had spoken about her brother.

"I am so sorry, Denali. I wasn't thinking properly."

"You mean you were being an idiot?" She asked with a smirk. He sighed, admitting defeat.

"Yes, I was being a huge idiot." Obi-Wan admitted. Denali smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I forgive you. Thank you for apologizing. Now let's get back to the Temple. I'm sure both our padawans are probably worried sick about us." Denali spoke with a small grin. Obi-Wan walked beside her as they strolled through the streets. He was relieved that she had forgiven him so quickly. He didn't like it when she was upset with him. He always felt so guilty when times like that occurred.

"What did Gerg have to say?" He asked her. He was surprised with how open she was with the things she told him next.

"Well, he told me how Danik's been doing. Apparently he ordered a few demolition tanks. That was interesting."

"It sounds interesting."

"Yeah, he also said that Danik turned my favorite sport into a Rancor Slayers tradition." Denali told him as they approached Padme's apartment complex. They stood outside, Denali took a deep breath.

"What sport is that, exactly?" Obi-Wan sacked her. She looked at him, a smirk on her lips.

"Mixed Martial Arts."

Denali stood outside the Council chambers with her apprentice while Obi-Wan and Anakin were inside, speaking with the other Jedi. Denali honored Master Yoda's judgment, and stayed out of the room while they spoke. Chewbacca on the other hand wasn't taking it as well as his master had hoped.

"Why shouldn't we be in there as well? You're the one who lead the other two to the bounty hunter-"

"And almost got myself killed in the process." Denali cut her Padawan off. He was silent, knowing that he should stop complaining. Denali put her hand on his furry shoulder, a reassuring smile on her face as she smoke to her apprentice.

"Sometimes we have to do what is requested of us without questioning our orders." She explained to him.

"So if the Council suddenly turned evil, you would obey their orders?" He asked her. She sighed.

"That's not what I meant. I mean that if we trust our fellow Jedi, then we should do what they ask of us. Even if it's as simple as waiting outside while they speak privately." Denali said to her Padawan. Chewbacca nodded in understanding, knowing what she was speaking about. She was happy that he had already learned something from her within the short amount of time they had spent together. They spent the rest of the time meditating, quietly sitting and listening to the Force.

"Come on, Master Bleway. We have a mission from the Council." A voice said to Denali. She opened her eyes and saw that Obi-Wan and Anakin had exited the Council chambers. Denali smiled up at Obi-Wan as he extended his hand to her. She took it and he helped her to he feet. They began walking, their apprentices trailing behind them.

"What kind of mission?" She asked him.

"We shall go search for the person who hired the bounty hunter, while our Padawans protect the senator." Obi-Wan informed her. She nodded, understanding.

"I still don't understand why I shouldn't go with you." Anakin said.

"What? Are you disappointed that you won't be able to watch your Master's back?" Denali asked the apprentice with a smirk.

"Something like that." Anakin muttered under his breath as they made their way to the hangar.

"Where exactly are we going?" Denali asked Obi-Wan.

"Kamino. A distant planet even farther than the Outer Rim."

"And where will our Padawans be?"

"Naboo. The Council has told Anakin to take the Senator to her home planet. They think she'll be safer there."

"Smart choice." Denali said with a smile. They approached the hangar bay, where their ships were waiting. Denali climbed into her small fighter, while Obi-Wan strapped himself into his. Chewie stood by the edge of the ship, a slightly scared look on his face. Denali reached out and touched his shoulder supportively.

"Don't worry. You're going to be alright. Anakin is going to be with you. You trust him, you know that if anything happens, he'll be their to protect you. He has your back and you have his. Show me your lightsaber." Denali told him. He took his out and ignited it. The green blade shined brightly. She ignited hers, the white blade touching the tip of her apprentice's.

"Remember, you are a Jedi. You can do anything." She said to him. He smiled at her as they smashed their blades together twice, then put them away. That was their signal of friendship, or partnership. It was kind of like their best friends hand shake. Obi-Wan and Anakin watched, small smiles on their faces. They could tell that the Council had made a great choice of letting Denali be Chewbacca's master. Denali started her ship as the window slid over her head, sealing the small cockpit shut. Obi-Wan did the same as the two Padawans stepped away from the ships.

"You have a good relationship with your Padawan already." Obi-Wan said through his commlink to Denali. She smirked as their ships lifted off the ground and soared up to the atmosphere of Corosaunt.

"I've been waiting ten years for the Council to finally allow me to train him. I just hope I don't mess it up."

"You won't."

"And how do you know?"

"Because it's impossible for someone as amazing as you to make any major mistakes." Denali rolled her eyes at his comment.

"You're only saying that because you have to."

"And why is that?"

"I'm your wife, you have to say those kinds of things to me." She said as she pulled out the leather cord around her neck from beneath he robes. On the cord was her charm from Ani she had gotten such a long time ago, and her two rings she had gotten from Obi. Her promise ring and her actual wedding ring. The stones seemed to shine as she looked at them.

"I love you, and that's why I tell you these kinds of things."

"Same thing."

"Did Gerg say anything else to you last night?" Obi-Wan asked her. He had his rings out as well, the same kind of leather cord around his neck as well. He was holding them tightly in his hands, feeling the pieces of metal press into his skin. He loved feeling them there, to him they were signs. Signs of the risk both of them had taken that night on Naboo. They were so young at the time, but they hadn't hesitated. They had stuck by each other. Even after ten years of no contact whatsoever. They had still made it.

"You're looking at your rings, aren't you." Denali said to him.

"So are you." Obi-Wan said to her, a smile on his lips. He knew she was.

"You know, this is kind of like the honeymoon we never had." Denali realized after a moment of silence. Obi-Wan smirked.

"You're right. We've never done something like this before, just the two of us."

"Yeah, it's...nice." She said to him. He could tell, even from within a different ship, that she was smiling.

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