Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Denali sat in the co-pilot's seat of the ship, Dooku sitting beside her. It had been over six hours since they had left Geonosis. She felt miserable, trying not to believe what she had just done. She had joined a Sith. She had joined the Sith. Now she was one of them, she was a monster. She was a creature of the darkness, it was only a matter of time before it would totally consumed her. Panic struck her heart.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"We're going to see my master." he stated. Her eyes widened.

"Y-you mean....the Dark Lord?" Denali asked him. He nodded.

"On what planet?" she asked again.

"I can't tell you that. You're still too new at this." Dooku stated. She could feel her anger inside of her, just urging to get out and explode. Then, she remembered something. A tool she would use to free herself. Something that was going to save Anakin and Obi-Wan from a horrible fate.

Her lightning abilities.

"He'll be very pleased to find out that you've been recruited to our cause." Dooku said. Denali just nodded, not saying anything. Dooku took that as a good sign, that she was quickly learning how to submit to them, the Sith, and that they were not to be questioned or talked back to. But the only reason she hadn't spoken was because she was trying to summon enough energy into her fingertips. She was going kill Dooku, but first she would disable his wrist-comm.

"It's very amusing to see that-" she ignited her lightsaber and pointed it at his throat, stopping him mid-sentence as he spoke. He watched her, a smirk on his lips.

"You're friends are going to die because of you. Maybe you aren't as smart and clever as I thought you were." he said with a smirk. She glared at him.

"No, I'm smarter and even more clever than you ever would've imagined." she told him, pointing her finger at his wrist-comm. Suddenly, an electric burst shot from her fingers and slammed against his wrist, causing the metallic controller to sizzle and fizz, till it didn't work anymore. Dooku smirked.

"You should just be happy that I didn't slice off your arm to get to that." Denali hissed.

"It is amazing that you possess that power of a Sith, but you say you have no affiliation with them." Dooku observed. She rolled her eyes, reconsidering slicing off his arm. It wouldn't be that hard, just a flick of the wrist and POOF, no more right arm for the Count.

"If you don't shut up, I swear you're going to regret it." Denali threatened. Dooku smiled, as if he still had the upper hand. Even though they both knew he didn't. They both knew that he was at Denali's mercy. That was if she was feeling mericful at all.

"You and I both-"


Dooku screamed in pain as his right arm dropped down to the ground, flopping lifelessly in a puddle of blood. Denali kept a straight face, showing no emotion what so ever. She refused to let this man win. She was going home, and she wanted to make this six hour ride worth it.


Obi-Wan paced back and forth, his heart beating rapidly in his chest. His wife was gone. Again. He had failed to protect her once again, and now she was Dooku's prisoner. Why couldn't he have been stronger? Why had he let this happen? He picked up a rock and hurled it across the room, it shattered into countless pieces as it made contact with the hangar wall.

"Master, what are we going do to?" Anakin asked. "She....she went with him..." Anakin stated in shock as he looked forward, in the direction Dooku's ship had gone. With the girl of his dreams on it. 'She....she went with protect me...' Anakin thought to himself. Now, he knew she truly loved him. Especially from the way she looked at him as she was entering Dooku's ship.

"What do you mean she went with him?" Obi-Wan asked.

"I mean he told her something, or did something, to us that forced her to go with him. Maybe he'd threatened to kill us, and that was why Denali had gone without a fight. If we weren't in danger, then she wouldn't have left." Anakin said. Obi-Wan looked at him, thinking that maybe his apprentice was onto something. But just as he realized Anakin was right, he swore under his breath.

"She completely disobeyed me!" Obi-Wan shouted, throwing another rock at the wall in frustration.

"What do you mean? You never told her to do anything." Anakin pointed out.

"I didn't tell her. I thought to her." Obi-Wan said, taking a deep breath. He was going to tell Anakin about their link, he couldn't believe it, but he was going to. "Denali and I can read eachother's minds. We can communicate telepathically." Obi-Wan informed his apprentice.

"Well, why aren't you talking to her NOW?!" Anakin asked as if it was the most obvious thing in the universe. Obi-Wan immediately did as Anakin had requested.

'Denali? Can you hear me?' he thought, his eyes closed. Anakin watched closely, trying not to let his jealousy get the best of him. Why couldn't he communicate with Denali like Obi-Wan could?

Obi-Wan received no reply.

"I'm not getting anything." Obi-Wan stated.

"Let me try." Anakin said and took a deep breath.


"Just let me try. We have nothing to lose here, give me a chance." Anakin stated as he closed his eyes. He took a deep breath, and concentrated on the Force. The Force....the Living Force....Denali....the girl of his dreams....

'Denali? Are you there?' he thought to her.


'Denali, please tell me you're alright. I....I need you. Please, tell me you're okay. Tell me why you went with Dooku so willingly. Please, if you can say anything at all, tell me that you're still alive and breathing. I can't lose you. I know what feelings Padme has towards me... But they are nothing compared to what I feel for you. When I...' he grimanced through his thought. 'When I broke the model you made, I felt like I was going to die. Please, don't leave me.'


He decided to try one more time.

'On Tatooine, my mother was killed. By those Tusken Raiders. I went to find her, and I....I was too late. I can't lose anymore people I love. I can't lose you, Denali. I love you. I can't live without you. If you die, then I'll die of a broken heart. Don't leave me.'

'I won't leave you, Anakin.'

"I got her to reply! Obi-Wan, she's alive!"

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