Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

"I can't believe Master Yoda isn't letting us come with him." Anakin spoke as he trained with his master. For his lesson, they were lightsaber-battling within the training room inside the Jedi Temple. Obi-Wan had noticed that his apprentice was becoming sloppy with his techniques. That needed to be corrected before it became permanent. Their lightsabers clashed and sparks flew as they slammed against each other with deep strength.

"Keep your legs bent." Obi-Wan guided him as they dueled, referring to their current position in training. He didn't want to speak of the situation with his secret wife at the moment, considering the fact that he was just upset about it as his apprentice. Anakin did as his master had said, bending his knees slightly as he stepped back in a defensive position.

"How can you not be upsetted by this?" Anakin asked him as he blocked another one of his master's attacks.

"Look, can we just drop the subject? And keep your head up higher, you don't want the enemy catching you off guard." Obi-Wan told him, leaping forward and swiping towards Anakin's feet. The apprentice easily jumped up, Obi-Wan's lightsaber sliding under his feet gracefully.

"We can't just drop it, Master. She's our friend and she needs our help." Anakin replied. Obi-Wan sighed, knowing that he was getting no-where with Anakin in this training session since he wasn't focused. He stepped back as the blue light faded from his lightsaber and he slid the hilt back onto his belt.

"Since you're obviously not focused, maybe we should-"

"Master Kenobi!" a voice shouted. Anakin and Obi-Wan quickly turned to face the source of the sound, watching as a small padawan sprinted across the room to them. The small Rodian boy took a deep breath, trying to slow down his fast-pace heart rate. Anakin quickly put his lightsaber back on his belt, then put his hand on the boy's shoulder since he was closer to Anakin than Obi-Wan.

"What's wrong?" Anakin asked quickly, thinking that maybe they had found Denali.

"Master Windu-....has demanded-.....your presence..." the Rodian said in between deep breaths of air. "Boba Fett-.....stole one of the the hanger....He went to find-.....Master Bleway..."

Anakin and Obi-Wan both looked at each other, then made a run for the door, making their way through the Temple and to the hanger. Once they had reached the end of the long hallway leading to the hanger, the doors slid open and they saw that Master Windu, Master Luminara, and Master Fisto were all standing a few yards away, troubled looks on their faces.

"Masters, what's happened?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Boba had heard that Master Yoda and Padawan Chewbacca were going after Master Bleway. He took one of the ships we had confiscated from a bounty hunter we had recently caught and must've decided to follow them without them noticing." Windu told them.

"We should go after him." Anakin spoke up quickly.

"That's exactly why we called you here, Padawan." Master Luminara said.

"You and Master Kenobi have been assigned to follow Boba and bring him back here." Master Fisto told them. Just hearing those words made the two guys want to just around and dance for joy.

"We'll go right now, Masters."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

"And you're sure she's here?" Chewie asked Master Yoda as the padawan put on his brown cloak. The ship they were using for the mission was small, but not too small. It had the essentials; a cargo hold, a refresher room, a bedroom with three bunk beds, and a bridge where the ship could be controlled. And currently the ship was entering the atmosphere of Tatooine, an old dust-ball of a planet filled with slave-traders, bounty hunters, and the Hutts. Chewie shivered in distaste for the place already.

"Here, Master Bleway is." Master Yoda confirmed as they landed in a small town. From the information on the computer, it said that the small village was locally called 'Beega', which meant 'drunkard' in the language of the Sand People that surrounded it within the outlands. The town was famous (as famous as you can get on Tatooine) for it's local intoxicated battles between bars and bounty hunter refuge spots. To simplify, it was pretty much like any other village on the dry and dusty planet.

 The ship landed less than a kilometer away from the town, just within the outskirts. Chewie followed Master Yoda out of the ship and immediately became over-whelmed with dry heat. He stuck his tongue out, flinching as he could already feel the sweat dripping out from underneath his fur. 

"Out of all the places she could've crashed on, it just had to be this planet." Chewie growled in frustration as the two walked side-by-side into the small town, both wearing dark robes. Chewie looked around, noticing that many of the buildings were made of different kinds of petrified woods. It was strange, because he had heard that most of the structures on Tatooine were made of hard rock or sand.

"Sense Master Bleway, I can. Near, she is." Madi Yoda said as he leaned on his cane, heading towards the nearest bar. The Force told him that she was there, or at least had been. The two looked up at the sign hanging above the doorway.

" 'Gwolla's Drinks'?" Chewie read out loud. "What would she be doing here?" 

"Getting help, possibly." Yoda suggested, then walked inside. Chewie followed him into the building. The scent of blood, vomit, and alchohol quickly filled his nostrils. He tried to hide his gagging, knowing that he needed to be strong and keep his lunch inside his stomach. Yoda walked up to the bar and jumped up onto one of the seats, while Chewbacca stood beside him. Now, Yoda was nearly as tall as the other Jedi.

"What do you want?" the bartender asked, knowing that there was definitely something fishy about the new people in his bar. Chewie noticed that the bartender was a Zabrak, and remembered everything he had heard about Master Denali's encounter with Darth Maul over a decade ago, when Chewbacca had only been a cub.

"Missing, our friend is. Perhaps she had come in here?" Master Yoda asked the yellow-skinned Zabrak. The man thought for a moment, then Yoda pulled out a few credits and slid them across the counter. "Help your memory, this might?" Yoda asked with a small smile. The Zabrak scooped up the credits and counted them in his hand.

"Yeah, she may have come in here. What's she look like?" the bartender asked them.

"Tall, blonde." Yoda told him.

"Yeah, now that I think about it, there was a tall blonde woman in here. She was sittin' in the back when Mi tried to rob her." The Zabrak chuckled. "That didn't go over very well. She was the first person that the famous Sekhmi couldn't rob. Nearly shot her with her own blaster."

"Did she kill her?" Chewie asked quickly.

"Nah, just bruised her up a bit. Nothin' too serious. In fact, they even shared a drink together after that. It was the strangest thing I had ever seen."

Yoda thought for a second before jumping down from his seat. "Thank you for the information." Yoda told the bartender, then began to walk out of the bar with Chewie following behind him.

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