Chapter Forty-One

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Chapter Forty-One

How was she going to be able to tell him? How?

After all they had been through together. They had known each other ever since Chewie had been a baby. She had been the one who found him within the brush on Naboo among his parents' corpses. It was their connection through the Force that had lead her to him, that had given her the ability to save his life. They were such a beautiful team together, a dynamic duo. When it counted, they were unstoppable by each other's side. It was a match forged by the Force and nothing but.

But that was over now.

She didn't want to face him alone, she didn't want to have to face him at all. Denali would've been willing to just crawl into the nearest corner, curl up into a tiny ball and die. To never have to feel this heart-breaking emotion ever again. She wanted to be a child once more and sit down in her mother's lap, gently falling asleep as her caretaker hummed a sweet lullaby. That's what she wanted to do. She would've loved to do that. But it wasn't an option. It was a coward's choice, and she refused to be a coward. She needed to be strong, to be as solid as a rock.

She stood up straight and looked to her right, where she saw a pair of Jedi robes and boots that must've been for her. Her lightsabers were with her as well, one being blue and the other being white. She sighed, changed out of her bath-robe and into the clothes prepared for her by the medical droid. Maybe this was for the best after all. Maybe this would be best for everyone. She was obviously doing a terrible job at teaching if they were taking away her padawan, so maybe this was best for Chewie. Maybe he'd become a better Jedi by doing this.

But could Master Windu really do a better job at teaching than she could?

Her heart swelled up with pity for her padawan at the fact that he'd have to deal with Master Windu for the rest of his childhood years. She remembered just how cruel and cold-hearted Master Windu could be. Denali could barely stand him for a few minutes, how would Chewie be able to stand him for over years? 

Once she was into her robes, she exited the medical room and made her way to the last spot she had seen Sekhmi and Chewie. Denali vaguely remembered running down these hallways less than an hour ago from a man who loved her, but she didn't love in turn. She could've dwelled on it, could've thought about how warm Anakin's lips had been against her own, how strong and muscular his arms had been, but that was the least of her worries.

They were all standing where she had left them in the corridor, Ahsoka's hand on Sekhmi's shoulder as she tried to reassure her, Anakin's arms folded as he spoke to Chewie with a calming voice. This was going to break Chewbacca's poor soul. It would've been like a death-sentence, only this was ten times worse.

"Chewie?" Denali croaked out, grabbing their attention. They all turned around to face her and knew as soon as they saw the grave expression on her face that she had been unable to change Master Yoda's mind. The fear grew in Sekhmi's and Chewie's eyes like they had just seen a ghost. "I'm so sorry-" They ran at her and quickly wrapped their arms around her once again. She buried her face in Chewie's shoulder, her tears soaking his fur. She whispered in his ear so only he could hear her. Denali knew that she would've gotten in major trouble for saying these little words, but she didn't care. It would be their little secret.

"I love you, Chewie."

It wasn't a romantic love. It was a love between a mother and a son, a teacher and a student. It was a bond that was impossible to break, and yet so easily shattered all at the same time.

"I love you, too, Master."

She never wanted to let him go. It felt like she was giving away one of her own children. Denali was in so much pain, such terrible pain. After a minute, she forced herself to stand up straight and tall and clear her throat while wiping her tears away. It would be best to just get this over with, it would be best for everyone. The sooner it ends, the sooner the healing can start.

"We should get to the Temple as soon as possible. We don't want to keep Master Yoda waiting."

She wouldn't tell him that he'd be Windu's next apprentice. 

She couldn't.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Denali was thankful when the ride to the Temple was over, and yet she was spiteful as well. She stood at the being of the landing ramp with her two padawans, Sekhmi to her left and Chewie to her right. Once the ramp had finished decending to the ground, Denali could see Master Yoda waiting for them below. Thankfully, Master Windu had failed to make an appearance. Him being there would've just made everything worse.

They didn't say 'good-bye' in front of Master Yoda, they had already said their 'good-bye's in private on the way Corosaunt. Instead, they had just nodded and parted ways. There was nothing left to be said between the former padawan and the master.

"Master Bleway," Master Yoda had said before she and Sekhmi had began their walk to their resting quarters. "Speak with you in a few hours, the Council must." Denali nodded, knowing that it was inevitable, and continued walking across the ground. She should've expected a lecture from the Council soon enough. It wasn't terrible enough that her padawan was being taken away, so they just had to throw in a trip to 'Guilt-City' as well. Denali and Sekhmi entered the Jedi Temple in silence, even though this was her first time seeing the Temple. Sekhmi would've been excited, but it wasn't the same without Chewie.

"Master Bleway," a voice said behind the two. Denali knew exactly who it was and felt an immense wave of relief wash over herself. "Would it be alright if I had a word with you in private, please?" She turned around to face Obi-Wan and forced a smile. He knew it was forced, too. But he wasn't surprised by that. She had been under a lot of stress from what he had heard, so he let it slide.

"Of course, Master Kenobi. Sekhmi, if you'll excuse us." Denali's padawan nodded in understanding and continued her walk down the hall til she reached her room, then disappeared inside. Denali could sense that the teen togruta girl was in just as much pain as Denali was in. After all, Chewie and Sekhmi were like brother and sister. They had trained together for a long time, former an attachment with one another that no one could explain. And now it was gone.

"We can't talk here." Obi-Wan whispered into Denali's ear. She nodded and followed him to his chambers, which had been closest, and sat down on his bed after the door slid closed behind them. She stared at the floor in silence as he sat down beside her, their shoulders touching. She wasn't in the mood to talk. She didn't want to explain what had happened. She just wanted to grieve in peace. Was that too much to ask for?

"I'm sorry." Obi-Wan said, breaking the thick silence. She said nothing. Just continued to stare at the same spot on floor. She didn't want to talk about Chewie. Denali didn't want to talk about her faliure after failure after failure. She wanted to talk about something else. Anything else.

"Anakin kissed me."

"I know." Obi-Wan replied with a sigh.

"But I didn't enjoy it." 

"I know." He said again while wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

"And I think he knows I didn't enjoy it."

"I know that, too."

The two couldn't help but slightly chuckle at how ridiculous they would've seemed to anyone who didn't know about their bond. Denali leaned her head onto his shoulder as her smile slowly disappeared, letting him comfort her in her time of agonizing pain.

"I missed you, Obi."

"I missed you, too, Denali."

She looked up at him and he looked down at her, into her shining blue orbs and his flawless blue pools. He was so handsome with his auburn locks and stellar smile. She was so beautiful with her golden braid and shining grin. He was pure goodness and nothing but. She seemed to be nothing but pure trouble. He was a perfect, sucessful teacher. She just had her padawan taken away. He was so merciful. She was a monster. He was so connected with the Light.

She was on her way to the Dark.

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