Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Hey, guys. I have a quick announcement to make.

Since I'd usually like my Star Wars books to be 45 chapters at least, that means this book is going to be wrapping up soon.

I'm over-joyed with all the good feed-back this series has been getting.

I can't say the same for some of my other books, so your support is dearly appreciated. 

Thank you all for reading this series and saying positive things in the 'comments' section.

I love going back and reading the comments you guys post, it always makes me smile. 

You guys are the best and I hope you love the rest of the series! :)

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Chapter Thirty-Nine

Denali felt like she couldn't breathe. Her padawans? The Council was going to take away one of her padawans? Why? Had she done something wrong? It was like a rug had been pulled out from underneath her feet. She must've been falling and didn't know it because the next thing she knew, Chewie and Sekhmi were supporting her weight by slinging her arms over their shoulders.

"What? Why?" she questioned. 

"Master Windu didn't explain, he just said that you need to send one of us to the Jedi Temple immediately for our reassignment to a new master." Sekhmi whimpered, then full-out sobbed onto her master's shoulder. Once Denali had regained the strength to hold herself up, she held her apprentices in a vice-grip against herself, hugging them like it would be the last time. Because for one of them, it would be. The Jedi master squeezed her eyes shut, using all of her strength not to cry. She couldn't cry. She needed to be strong for them.

"Did he say which one of you?" Denali choked out. They shook their heads. Was the Council honestly going to make her choose between them? Between the two children she loved as if they were her own? "I'll go speak with Master Yoda; he'll listen to me. He'll know better than to let this happen." She quickly spoke, but she knew it was hopeless. Master Yoda had given her the priviledge of training Chewie and Sekhmi; he was just as capable as taking that priviledge away.

Spinning on her heal, she made a run for her medical room. She had seen a holographic-commlink sitting in the corner just left of her bacta-tank. That must've been what the Council had used to contact her padawans in the first place. Once she got back, she immediately turned the large metal device on and typed in the coordinates for the Jedi Temple. Denali didn't care that she was still in her white bath-robe, she was desperate. She'd beg Master Yoda if she had to. They couldn't take her apprentices away from her.

"Ah, Master Bleway," an evil face smirked back at her from the hologram. She kept back a growl she felt bubbling up in the pit of her throat at the sight of the merciless man dressed in Jedi robes, even though she knew he represented nothing of the sort. "Just the person I was hoping to speak to. I take it you've recieved our news?"

"Master Windu," Denali hissed through clenched teeth. "I would love to speak with Master Yoda right now, if you wouldn't mind."

"Actually, Master Yoda isn't available at the moment." Mace replied with the fakest grin Denali had ever seen in her whole life. "But I can take a message, if it isn't too urgent."

"Nevermind, I just won't send either one of my padawans until I speak with him."

"You don't have a choice."

"With all due respect, Master Windu, I refuse to do anything with my padawan learners until I hear from Master Yoda himself that I need to take these ultimate measures."

"Are you saying you don't trust my word?"

"I'm saying this conversation is over and will be continued with your superior." And with that, Denali disconnected from the system. Windu's blue image disappeared, the last expression on his face being one of resentment and something that could only be described as hatred. But Denali didn't care what Mace Windu thought about her. She had already proven herself to him once, before she had been knighted. Her job with him was done. Before she completely shut the commlink down, she had one more call to make.

She needed to call Obi-Wan.

But as she reached out to touch the buttons to type in the coordinates for Obi's commlink in his quarters, her hands couldn't react to her thoughts. They couldn't do what she was telling them to. What was stopping her? Her hands fell down to her sides with a depressed huff. She was scared. She was angry. She was miserable. She was ashamed.

She was scared of what he was going to say to her. She was angry that he left her before they could've had the chance to talk about what happened between them. She was miserable because Anakin, Obi-Wan's apprentice and best friend, had kissed her. And lastly, she was ashamed that she had been uncapable in the eyes of the Council to train her apprentices. 

* * * * * * * * * *

Obi-Wan paced back and fourth in his chambers, staring at the commlink that rested in each Jedi master's quarters. It had been hours since the Council meeting discussing everything that was happening with Denali, she would've contacted him by now to talk. He couldn't contact her himself for fear of someone else answering the call and wondering why he was attempting to speak with her in the first place. So all he could do was pray to the Force and hope that she'd call.

He waited....

and waited...

and waited...

and waited...

and waited...

It had been over four hours since the meeting when he finally decided to give up hope. If she hadn't called by now, then she obviously was never going to. He shouldn't have even considered the possibility that she'd even think about talking to him after what he did to her. Anakin was right all along, she probably despised him now as much as Anakin had despised his masters as a slave. It was over. He'd ruined what he had with the love of his life. Anakin was right.

Obi-Wan sat down on the edge of his bed and held his face in his hands. He tried to think of all the possible ways he could contact her without having anyone be suspicious. Maybe he could say that he had some urgent news for her and that he'd need to tell her in person. But even that would've caused some-

The button on the commlink began to flash green.

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