Chapter Forty

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Chapter Forty

"Obi-Wan? Are you there?"

Obi-Wan jumped up at the sudden sound of someone saying his voice, thinking that she had finally had the time to speak with him. But as he looked up at the blue holographic image, his heart sank. It wasn't his beautiful wife. Instead, it was a man with dark hair and dark Jedi robes. Anakin.

"Anakin? What is it?"

"I....I really messed up, Master." From the tone of Anakin's voice, Obi-Wan knew that this was serious. A very serious mistake.

"What happened? What did you do, Anakin?" Obi-Wan asked his former apprentice. The Jedi master could recall that before he had been called back to the Jedi Temple from their Republic cruiser, Anakin had told him that he refused to leave without making sure Denali was alright. He must've still been there with Ahsoka.

Anakin looked miserable, confused, but mostly guilty. The somber look on his face revealed it all. 

"You can't tell anyone about this, Master. I...I could get kicked out of the Jedi Order for this. But I don't have anyone else to go to." Obi-Wan's eyes widened at Anakin's words. This definitely was serious if it was bad enough to get kicked out of the Order.


"Swear not to tell anyone."


"Swear you won't!" Anakin exclaimed frantically, his eyes enormous with fright. Obi-Wan sighed, knowing that he was going to regret this later on. But he nodded.

"I swear." Anakin took a deep breath, slightly relieved by his master's words. But not by much. "Now are you going to tell me or not?"

"I kissed Denali."

Obi-Wan's heart stopped and his jaw dropped. 

" did what?" 

"You promised you wouldn't say anything!" Anakin pointed out, as if he needed a reminder. The Jedi master ran his hand through his auburn hair, trying not to completely explode. His apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, his former padawan learner and best friend kissed his wife. He kissed his wife. Anakin kissed Denali. Obi-Wan's stomach began to roll over and he felt like he wanted to punch a wall and throw-up at the same time. Anakin noticed the look on his face, but wasn't sure how to decipher it.

"You kissed Denali." Obi-Wan breathed out in disbelief. " kissed-..." He couldn't even finish the sentence. He couldn't even say it out loud, it was too painful. He felt like he had been stabbed in the chest with a lightsaber. No, that would've hurt way less than what he was feeling then. He would've gladly taken a lightsaber blade to the heart rather than hear this, rather than hear what his former padawan had told him.

"I know it's bad, but-"

"There's no 'but's, Anakin. This is bad and that's that. There is no 'but'. There's no bright side to this." Obi-Wan began to go off. "Do you realize just how foolish your actions were? Do you realize that she could report you to the Jedi Council-"

"She wouldn't do that to me. And besides, do you honestly think they'd believe her right now? Especially after they decided to take away one of her padawans? It would be her word against mine." Obi-Wan mentally swore that he would've punched Anakin in the face right then and there if he hadn't just been a holographic image.

"They might not believe her, but they'd definitely believe me." Obi-Wan snapped.

"You're not going to tell them, though. You promised-"

"We're not seven-year-old girls, Anakin! This is serious!"

"Which is why you need to keep quiet about it, Master. I know I made a mistake, but I just couldn't help myself." Obi-Wan began to get even angrier the longer Anakin talked. "I was trying to apoligize for what we did to her, how we hurt her. But she wouldn't listen. She was about to march out of the room in an angry huff, and I guess my will just snapped. I couldn't lose her, I love her, Obi-Wan-"

"Well, look where your love has gotten you now!" Obi-Wan shouted, thankful that the walls were sound-proof. "You're entire Jedi career is on the line because of a stupid mistake that you could've avoided if only-"

"If only what, Master?" Anakin interupted, his anger matching Obi's. "If only I could've just hidden my emotions? I love her, Obi-Wan! I've loved her ever since I met her when I was still a slave on Tattooine! I've hidden my feelings for her for over ten years now!"

"And you should've kept them hidden! You're putting yourself at risk! And did you even consider how much pressure she's already under when it comes to the Code? If you love her so much, then why didn't you think about her before you-"

"I wasn't thinking, Obi-Wan! All I had on my mind was the fact that I was losing her! I reacted before I could've stopped myself! I know I screwed up!" 

The two men were silent after that, steam still coming out of their ears. There was only so much Obi-Wan could do before his self-control totally shattered. But slowly, gradually, as the moments of empty silence dragged by, he began to regain his composure.

"She rejected my affection towards her, if that makes you feel any better." Anakin hissed through his teeth.

"Actually, it does." Obi-Wan replied. 

Then disconnected from the system.

* * * * * * * * * *

Once Denali had finally worked up the courage to contact Obi-Wan, she was shocked to discover that the commlink said he was busy having a conversation with someone else. A private conversation. Well, that wasn't suspicious at all, now was it? First, he didn't have the decency to stay and wait to talk to her like Anakin did, then he doesn't even try to contact her, and when she finally decides to get connected with him, he's apparently busy talking to someone else?

"Fine." Denali snapped. Just as she was going to turn the commlink off in a fit of anger, the button began to glow green. Someone was calling to her. Was it Obi-Wan? Bracing herself, she pressed the button and waited to find out. She was slightly disappointed to see that it wasn't her husband, but relieved when she realized it was a small green creature. Master Yoda.

"Speak with me, you have wished, Master Bleway?" Master Yoda said.

"Yes, Master Yoda. I wished to speak with you about my padawans-"

"Already made, the decision has been. Persuade my opinion, you may not." Denali's heart dropped to the floor and shattered like glass at his words.

"But Master Yoda, please. I can try harder. I can change, train them even more if they're not meeting your requirements. Please, don't take my padawans away." She begged him, her voice desperate. Master Yoda shook his head.

"My pity, you have, Denali. Expecting one of your padawans, we will be."

"You're going to have to pick, Master Yoda. I couldn't decide between them even if I wanted to." Denali sighed, looking down to hide her tears. Master Yoda rubbed his chin as he thought about this serious decision. Then, after what felt like a life-time, he spoke.

"Waiting for Chewbacca, we will be."

Just before Master Yoda signed out of the system, Denali asked a question that she would quickly regret asking.

"Who will you assign him to, Master?" Denali asked, dreading the answer even though she already knew.

"Master Windu has volunteered to become the next master for either one of your padawans."

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