Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

"So she has abandoned us." Master Windu said.

"No, she hasn't. She believed that we wouldn't be able to help her and fled for our own safety." Obi-Wan defended as Anakin, Chewie, and himself stood before the Jedi Council. "We all know that Master Bleway is a smart woman and she knows when something is wrong. She wouldn't do something so reckless as to leave us forever. She will return as soon as she has her abilites under control."

"How do you know she won't turn to the Dark side? How do you know that the Dark Lord won't approach her and turn her?" Master Windu asked.

"My master is strong. She despises the Dark Lord as much as any of us do. I trust in her abilites to resist his persuasive words." Chewbacca chimed in. Everyone was silent for a moment as they looked to Master Yoda, searching for what his opinion on the matter would be. After what felt like an eternity to Obi-Wan, Chewie, and Anakin, the wise Jedi master finally spoke.

"Faith, I have in Master Bleway's abilites as well, young padawan. Resourceful, mindful, patient she has been in her surroundings. She has not abandoned us; know that, I do. Her new powers are of the Dark Side, though. Respect her decision to stay away for the safety of others, I do." Yoda stated.

"So what happens next? We just wait for her to return?" Master Windu asked. Master Yoda smiled.

"Have faith in her, I do. But not too much faith." he said with a rare grin. He looked at Chewie, then looked at everyone around the room. "Padawan Chewbacca, you and I shall take matters into our own hands. Visit Master Bleway, we will."

"How can you do that, Master? You don't even know where she is." Master Windu said.

"And if you do know where she is, shouldn't I go with you? After all, she did leave my padawan and I behind as well." Obi-Wan quickly stated. Master Yoda shook his head.

"No. Better for just myself and the padawan to go, this is." Master Yoda said. "And we shall leave immediately."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"I can't believe you actually let me live." The Togrutian, 'Sekhmi' was her name, stated in disbelief. Instead of killing her, Denali had decided to let the teenager take a seat at her table. So now Sekhmi sat across from the troubled Jedi as they each drank glasses of water. "You're the first person I couldn't sucessfully steal something from."

"Really? Is that honestly your specialty? Stealing?" Denali asked as she took a sip.

"What? And yours isn't?" Sekhmi questioned. "And I never got your name." Denali thought for a second, trying really hard to think of the perfect fake name. Then a lightbulb flashed in her mind as she thought of the best identity.

"The name's Shendira Dren." Denali said, remembering her favorite movie star from when she watched movies as a child with her brother. Shendira Dren was famous on Alderaan, especially for her singing and acting.  Knowing how far away Alderaan was, Denali figured that no one would know who the real Shendira Dren was.

" 'Shendira'? That isn't exactly a local name." Sekhmi stated.

"Neither is 'Sekhmi'." Denali retorted.

"Good point." the teenager admitted. "So where are you from, then?"

"What makes you think you have the right to know?" Denali huffed. Sekhmi held her hands up in mock-surrender.

"Goodness, you can put the blaster away." she chuckled with a grin. "I didn't mean to offend you in any way, shape, or form." in the corner of the room, a drunk Trandoshian and an intoxicated Mirilian were starting to shout at eachother, which would no-doubt lead to a full-throttle bar brawl. The two girls watched as the orange-skinned Trandoshian swung at the Mirilian, who dodged the clumsy attempt and flipped the reptile onto the ground.

"Ooo!" Sekhmi said as they both flinched when they heard the Trandoshian's bones crack. "That had to have hurt." she stated as they returned to their water.

"So, that Rodian called you 'Mi' earlier. Is that a nickname?" Denali asked.

"Yeah. My friends call me 'Mi'." she replied.

"Well, then I hope we can be friends." Denali said, raising her glass of water to toast Sekhmi. The teen raised her water as well and the glasses gently 'clicked' as they touched. The two females chugged the last of their drinks as they watched the fight intensify in violence. The Trandoshian grabbed the Mirilian by the neck and threw him across the room, landing less than a meter away from where Denali and Sekhmi sat. Mi sighed at the sight of the fight.

"We can only hope for the best during times like this."

"Well said." Denali complimented. "I've been meaning to ask you something. My ship crashed a few miles outside of town. Do you know if there is anyone around here who could help?"

"Sorry, but no. No one helps anyone around here unless they've got the credits. And from your outfit, I can tell you don't have much to spare." Mi told Denali. The Jedi Master glared at the teen, but the girl was right. Denali hadn't bought her equipment in a super fancy store, she'd found it in the cargo hold of Dooku's ship. She was lucky for even that.

"Really? No one willing to help me at all? What about the towns near here?" Denali said as she brushed away Mi's insult towards her outfit.

"The nearest town is over seventy-five kilometers away." Mi informed her.

"Is there anyone selling ships?"

"Nope. Face it, Shen, you're stuck here." Sekhmi told Denali with an evil little smirk. Denali glared at her again as she got to her feet, her eye-patch tight around her head.

"Fine. Sorry for bothering you, Sekhmi. I'll be going." Denali stated as she walked towards the door, carefully avoiding the brawl happening only a few feet away. She tossed a few credits to the bartender, then exited the building. The sunlight was blinding as she stepped outside. Denali held her arm up, shielding her un-covered eye from the two suns' rays as they began to set in the distance.

"Shendira, wait." a voice said behind her. Denali turned around as the Togruta-girl exited the bar as well. "I said that no-one was selling. That didn't mean there isn't anyone willing to help you."

"If you have something to say, then spit it out." Denali snarled.

"Fine," Mi sighed. "My home is a few blocks away from here. You can stay with me for the night if you'd like. After all, I do kind of owe you for not killing me." Denali crossed her arms and thought for a moment.

"Well, considering the fact that my engine is busted and spewing toxic fumes, I'll accept the invitation."

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