Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Denali strolled through the club, casually walking along. She made her way farther back, while Ani and Obi hung out towards the front. The entire room stunk of alcohol, every thirty seconds a group of people would end up cheering for some random reason, and Denali felt like everyone was watching her. She walked over to the bar and ordered a glass of water. She stood there, sipping from the small glass, her senses expanded throughout the room. So many people were talking and shouting at the same time that it was difficult for her to keep her thoughts in one place. She was determined to find the bounty hunter, at all costs. But before she had finished swallowing her drink, she heard someone shout her name.

"Denali! It's me, Gerg!" She heard someone shout from across the room with a drunken drawl. Her heart stopped beating, but she tried to ignore him. She casually continued to sip her water, pretending that her name hadn't been called out. People throughout the club looked around, trying to figure out who the young Nautolan man was talking to. She could sense him approaching her, that wasn't a good thing. She quickly pulled out a few credits and passed them to the bar tender.

"You Denali Bleway?" The Duros man asked her across the counter as he counted up the cash.

"Something like that." She said and quickly began to dash through the club. She couldn't talk to Gerg, especially if he was drunk. She didn't want to draw attention to herself. Her boots thudded across the floor quickly, but she was too slow. She had thought that her biggest problem had been Gerg, but she was gravely mistaken.

Obi-Wan stood at the other end of the bar, but he could sense that something wasn't right. He could tell that the bounty hunter was no where near him, but something seemed off. A strange sensation began to boil inside his mind, a red light flashing. Danger. He quickly put his hand on the hilt of his lightsaber, but didn't ignite it. He wasn't the one in danger, Denali was. He could feel it. Put the problem was he couldn't find her amidst the chaos.

Suddenly a loud BANG sound erupted through the air, echoed by a feminine scream. Everyone was silent and began to shuffle away from the scene, which meant that was exactly where Obi-Wan knew he should be. Anakin was thinking the same as he ran in the direction of the scream, hoping it hadn't belonged to Denali.

"Alright everyone, this is private business. Back to your drinks." Anakin and Obi-Wan heard Denali say as they saw what had happened. A Nautolan man was carrying the bounty hunter they were after bridal style across the room towards the door, followed closely by Denali. Obviously something was wrong with the bounty hunter, otherwise the man wouldn't have been carrying him. Denali was quickly following, a grin on her face.

"Denali, what happened?" Anakin asked as he fell in stride beside her.

"She just got her butt saved by an old friend." The Nautolan said with a smirk as they walked out of the club and into the empty street. The man set the bounty hunter down and Anakin began the interrogation right there, Obi-Wan right beside him. Denali stood beside Gerg patiently as they watched the interrogation.

"Tell us now!" Anakin demanded when the bounty hunter refused to cooperate. She was about to say something, when suddenly a small bullet-shaped think zipped through the air, embedding itself inside the bounty hunter's neck. Denali gasped as she took a step back in shock. She suddenly felt an arm wrap around her shoulders and pull her a step back away from the hunter's dying body. Gerg. Denali couldn't help but smile. Even fourteen years later, Gerg was still acting like an older brother.

Obi-Wan stood up after pulling out the dart from the BH's neck. He carefully stashed it within the hidden pockets of his robes. Anakin stood up as well, then turned around to face Denali. His eyes widened in shock at the sight of the man beside Denali, who had his arm wrapped around he shoulders. Denali sensed Anakin's shock and took a step from Gerg.

"Ani, this is Gerg. Gerg, this is Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker." She introduced them. Gerg extended his hand, which Anakin shook hesitantly.

"Master Bleway, how exactly do you know this man?" Anakin asked. Obi-Wan turned around, finally noticing what was going on and who had joined them. He could feel his blood boiling at the sight of Gerg.

"Denali and I go back a long time." Gerg said.

"Known each other since I was ten. Sixteen years." Denali said, knowing that things were starting to become awkward between them. She really didn't like speaking with them as a group, she'd rather talk to Gerg alone. She knew that Obi-Wan still strongly disliked Gerg, even after all these years.

"It's nice to see you again, Obi-Wan." Gerg said as he extended his hand to Master Kenobi. Obi-Wan looked at it for a second, a suspicious look on his face, but shook it. He pulled away and crossed his arms.

"What a surprise to see you here." Obi-Wan said, as if his words were layered in poison.

"Yeah, Denali was lucky that I was here, too." Gerg said.

"What do you mean?" Anakin asked quickly. Gerg smirked.

"When I saw her, she was standing at the bar. Drinking some water. Then she started walking away, so I followed her. But as I was walking I noticed the strange person stalking her. I knew that the person wasn't right, so I pulled out my blaster just in case. When I noticed that the bounty hunter was armed and aiming at Denali, so I shot her with my blaster. But I had changed the setting to 'stun' earlier, so that's why she wasn't killed. Anyway, then Denali turned around and saw the bounty hunter on the ground. So now we're here." Gerg explained.

"Thank you, by the way." Denali said to him. Gerg smiled.

"No problem, just helping out an old friend." Gerg said with a smirk. Denali realized that he had changed over the years they had been apart. He had grown a few feet, stayed in good shape, and had obviously gotten rich because his clothes looked super expensive. Or he could've stolen the fabric, but Denali really didn't want to find out.

"We should be going." Anakin said to Denali. She nodded and quickly hugged Gerg.

"Thank you for saving me." She whispered into his ear so that he was the only person who could hear her words. He hugged her back, a happy smile on his face.

"Anything for my little sis." He said to her. Obi-Wan and Anakin watched, trying not to expose their anger towards the Nautolan man that was hugging their friend.

"Did you know about him?" Anakin whispered to his Master. Obi-Wan shook his head.

"I thought he was still on Alderaan." He whispered to his apprentice.

"Well obviously not now." Anakin said angrily. Denali pulled away from her old friend and began to walk with Obi-Wan and Anakin back to the Senate building.

"And if you ever get tired of the whole 'Jedi' gig, the Rancor Slayers could really use a new sniper!" Gerg said loudly to her. She turned around to face him and smirked.

"You'd be first on my list!" She joked. They both laughed and waved good-bye as he disappeared back into the club.

Assassin (A Star Wars Fan-Fiction) Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora