Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Chapter Thirty-Eight

"So the mission to capture Dooku wasn't a success, I assume?" Master Windu asked Obi-Wan once the whole Council had been summoned for their meeting.

"No, it was not, Master Windu." Obi-Wan replied from his standing spot in the center of the room with a tone that slightly hinted at being tired of Master Windu's bantha fodder. Obi was already stressed enough over the past dramatic incidents with his wife and former apprentce that the last thing he needed right now was a lecture from Mace Wndu on his and Anakin's failure to obtain Dooku. And could anyone blame him?

"But success, it was, Master Windu. Rescue Master Bleway, Master Kenobi and Skywalker have." Master Yoda chimed in, giving Obi-Wan slight praise for his efforts instead of putting him down for his unachievments.

"Yes, another rescue for Master Bleway. How predictable." Master Windu sighed sarcastically. Obi-Wan had to restrain himself from saying anything he'd regret, so he thought out his words carefully before speaking back to the Jedi master.

"Are you insinuating that Master Bleway is incapable of protecting herself from events such as this?"

"I'm not insinuating anything, Master Kenobi. What I am saying, though, is that I think she is under too much stress to think properly or react adequately to situations that call her full attention."

"And why would you think that, Master Windu?"

"Why wouldn't I think it is the true question here. Why wouldn't any of us think it is the queston, Master Kenobi. She's been in isolation with her two padawans on a planet infested with darkness. Master Bleway has been staying with her brother when attachments are forbidden by the Order, reports of her Sith-like powers have been coming in from our sources, reports of blue-lightning and the occasional appearances of her eyes changing from blue to red when necessary. The stress of maintaining her connection with the Light side and training two padawans at once is obviously clouding her sense of judgement, it might even be pulling her towards the Dark side."

The silence from the rest of the Coucil was deafening as they considered Master Windu's words closely and carefully.

"Then what exactly do you suggest we do about that?" Obi-Wan asked, unable to hide the resentment in his voice towards the man speaking out againt the love of his life.

"There a multiple solutions for this situation. We could either take away one of her padawans, both of her padawans, or remove her from the scene entirely."

"And how would we 'remove her from the scene'?" Master Luminara spoke up. Obi-Wan quickly glanced from Master WIndu to Master Luminara, his eyes wide with shock. Looking to Master Yoda for support, he asked the golden question that would shatter everything within himself if he got the undesirable answer.

"You aren't really considering this, are you?" Obi-Wan spluttered. "Yes, she's probably stressed, but what Jedi wouldn't be? Instead of removing her teaching status, why not just give her a break from it for a while?"

"We cannot afford 'breaks', Obi-Wan." Mace snapped. "And after all, she's been on a so-called 'break' this entire time with those dreadful 'Rancor Slayers'-"

"She had Master Yoda's blessing to do that, need I remind you?"

"She also had Master Yoda's blessing to train two padawan learners at once. See where we are now because of that?"

"You honestly believe that-"

Master Yoda held up his hand, silencing the two Jedis bickering immediately. All eyes were on the small green master as he rubbed his chin, his eyes closed, deep in thought. Obi-Wan did his best to hide his panic, but he still couldn't help quickly flitting his eyes around the room, looking from one master to the next in search of any sort of help, any sort of life-line to pull Master Yoda from making a terrible mistake. But all he recieved were looks of pity and sympathy, for they all knew that he was supporting a lost cause.

"A point, Master Windu indeed has." Master Yoda finally spoke after the silent and agonizing minutes. "Action, we should take. Stop Master Bleway's down-fall, we must."

"But Master-" Obi-Wan was silenced once again by Master Yoda's hand.

"Remove one of her padawans, we must."

* * * * * * * * * *

Denali couldn't comprehend what had happened before it was too late. Anakin was much stronger than her, his arms wrapped around her and held her so close she could hear his frantic heartbeat. In the weak state she was in, she couldn't shove him away. And for some odd reason, she seemed to be getting weaker. She couldn't escape....But...did she really want to-?


 His lips were forced, desperate, filled with emotions that she had only ever felt towards Obi-Wan and no one else. This wasn't right. This wasn't right at all.

Using this as a last resort, she dug her nails into Anakin's shoulders and summoned a small amount of electricity. Not enough to cause any permanent damage, just enough to force Anakin to let go and give her enough time to escape from this terrible situation.

"Ah!" Anakin shouted in shock as he let go and took a step back. Denali took advantage of that moment and bolted to the door. "Denali! Wait!" As soon as it slid open, she was out of there like a rocket. Once she reached the end of the corridor, the frantic Jedi master rook a sharp right, not bothering to apoligize to the storm troopers and medical droids she'd shove past.

She could hear the sound of his boots behind her, smashing against the tiled floor as he struggled to catch up with her.

"Denali! Wait!"

Denali didn't slow down. Instead, his pleas only made her run faster. The adrenalin pumping through her veins gave her a sudden power that could only be described as fear. She was fearful of Anakin, of his feelings, of Obi-Wan, of him finding out that his apprentice had kissed her, of her future and what it held, all the drama that it must be filled with. Her life was complicated enough with trying to stay connected with the Light side and training both Chewie and Sekhmi at once that the last thing she needed was to worry about Anakin, too.

She nearly screamed out when she felt his hand grab her own and spin her around. What was he doing? He wasn't going to try and kiss her again, right? Not in front of all these people, that wouldn't been stupid. But kissing her in the first place had been stupid enough that she wasn't afraid to put a scary 'kiss: part two' under the 'possibilities' list. Denali did her best to remain calm, even though even that was a feat in itself.

"You can't run from the truth, Master Bleway." Anakin said in his most serious tone as he looked into her eyes. The clones and droids didn't look like they were paying attention to their conversation, but Denali knew they were. Who wouldn't?

"It's not the truth I'm running from, Master Skywalker-"


Denali and Anakin both turned back where they had come from to see their three apprentices running straight towards them, frightened looks on their faces. Denali's heart sunk. Something was wrong.

Something was terribly wrong.

"Chewie? Mi? What's wrong?" Denali asked quickly as she put her hands on both their shoulders. They were breathing heavily, as if they had been running for a long time. She could sense that they were both in a state of panic, so she tried to remain as calm as possible. For them.

"It's the Council-" Sekhmi breathed out. "They've demanded that-" She couldn't continue.

"Demanded what?" Denali asked. Chewie looked like he was on the brink of tears.

"That one of us be removed from your teaching custody."

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