Amor Accidental

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"And I think this piece would look really good with the whole layout all together ." , he said as the bitch beside him was gasing the shit up .

I looked at him with disgust . I picked up the prototype throwing it across the room as they jumped . "If you ever bring some shit like that in my office again , I swear I will end your career like that !" , I said snapping .

He quickly picked up the model and left as the girl followed right along . I took a seat leaning back as I exhaled .

"Miss Maraaaaj ! Your 10 o'clock is here !" , Tremaine said walking in jolly .

I sighed flicking him off . "Take yo gay ass somewere you wanted please ."

He giggled taking a seat on my desk stroking my hair. "Look bitch , I dont want them here either but put yourself in that position . You started out as an intern too ! Hungry , wanting in on the latest photoshoot , its there dream ! Please getcho stuck up ass in there and apologize , then go to this interview ."

I whined standing up while fixing myself in the mirror I had . "I still dont like them ."

He laughed straightening up my messy desk as I left down the hall . All I heard was greetings and compliments as I twisted my way to my main office .

Inside was a girl walking around , looking at my pictures . I knew I had to lighten up since she was the grand-daughter of Anna Wintour . She dressed weird but overall she was model thin , perfect skin , and just gorgeous .

"That was my first ever issue published ." , I said sneeking up behind her . She jumped a bit laughng .

"I know ! I actually have a copy ! Im a really big fan of your work Miss Maraj , means alot for you to do this interview ." , she said taking a seat across from me smiling from ear to ear .

"Me ? For crying out loud , your grandmother is THE Anna Wintour ! I should be asking you for an interview ."

We shared a laugh and got straight to buisness .

♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛

I threw on my peacoat grabbing me Chanel handbag as my phone rang.

"Hello ?"

"Hmm , baby got all booshie on us !"

I instantly smiled . It was my bff Janae ! This girl has been there for me through everything .

"Never that bae , just been caught up . Got some fishies ." , I said rolling my eyes . I truley hated interns with a passion .

"Mean ass , well I wanted to remind you its Serenity's birthday today ."

"Shit ! Omg , I forgot , Ima meet you at the restaurant okay ? Lemme call her really quick ."

I hung up before she could even respond and hopped in the car as my personal driver greeted me .

"Hello ?" , she answered sweetly .

"Happy birthday beautiful !!!" , I shouted .

"Thank you so much munchkin ! Means ALOT for a celebrity to tell me that !"

Ever since my magazine made it big , they always bring it up in everything !

"Dont start ! Look , I have to rush and check on your present plus get Joel so I will see you tonight ."

"Okay , bye love ."

I hung up texting Tremaine to pick up a nice pair of size 7 shoes and have them at my house .

Amor AccidentalWhere stories live. Discover now