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I woke up to once again Joel singing to Jamez .

"Morning ... Hermosaaaa !"

I giggled rubbing my eyes till I noticed that I had tears and forgot I cried myself to sleep .

"Goodmorning baby ." , daddy said taking Mez from JoJo .

"Hey daddy ."

"Jo , go downstairs amd help Honey with breakfast ."

He nodded walking off till I noticed he had on nothing but his favorite Power Ranger undies which made me laugh .

"He gets it from you ! When you were little , we had to beg you to put on clothes ."

I giggled as Jamez began to cry . I took him from daddy rocking him back and forth .

"Thanks for letting me stay daddy . I really needed it ."

"You know your welcomed whenever ."

I gave him a fake smile as he brought my chin up . I bit my lip trying so hard not to cry over this shit . "What happened now !" , he said bringing out his accent which ment buisness .

"I caught him cheating ..." , I said in shame . No wife wants to ever tell someone her man is cheating . "I know what your gonna say daddy . If the love is there dont give up , but Im to the point were we just dont even have the love anymore . Im tired . Its like I fuck up , then he does , then me , then him . Its getting old ... Maybe we just need to forget about us and focus on him ." , I said pointing to Jamez as he slept peacefully .

"I understand Nika but this is nothing compared to the future and if you cant handle that then marriage is not for you baby ."

I looked away as he brought me back to him . "Nobody said it would be easy , go and get that little boy and make him not just a man , but your man ..."

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I was just out clearing my head as I walked around the mall buying up every damn thing for Jamez and Jo . To be honest , I can actually tell Mez I love him and somewhat mean it . I get excited everytime I say it too .

Once I hit up Kids Foot Locker , my phone rang and out of all people , it was Àngel's bitch ass . I ignored it till he just called back five seconds later .

"What the hell do you want ?!" , I shout making heads turn .

"Chill Nika , I was just calling to tell you I got JoJo's refill . They called yesterday about it saying the added on to his dosage since his teacher has been complaining about it ."

I instantly got mad all over again . This bitch had a problem with my childs disorder and she takes it up with his therapist ?! Noooo bitch , last time I checked Onika Tanya Maraj was his mother , not her .

"For crying out loud , the kid has ADHD , he cant help it !"

"I know . He's to diez ."

I sighed and payed for the baby Jeremy Scott adidas along with some cute Red Jordan Steels . Mez was gonr be on point !

"Ight , Im on my way ."

Lord , please help me keep my damn legs closed around him .

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Before I could even knock , Àngel answered handing me the bottle of pills and welcoming me in .

"¿ Como has estado ?" , he asked as I took a seat crossing my legs tightly once he sat next to me .

"Muy bien , gracias ." , I reply running my fingers through my hair .

"So hows the married life ?"

Amor AccidentalМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя