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As we got off the plane , the first person we saw was Amiyaah and Trey . JoJo ran to Miyaah as Trey came and got Jamez .

"So , how was it ?"

"I truely needed that . Thank you ."

We cheek kissed and headed on out .

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"DADDY ?!? WERE HEWE !!!!" , Jo screamed off the top of his lungs .

It was like he was running for his life because he came down those stairs so damn fast , he almost fell .

"Hey man . I missed Yall ." , he said bringing JoJo into a hug and taking Mez out of the carrier . "Jo , getcha bags and head upstairs to your room . Take bubbi with you ."

As Joel carefully carried his brother upstairs , I took a seat on the couch making myself comfortable since I knew we would be here for a while .

"You take my kids half way across the country and sit here in my face like this shit is peachy keen ... I dont know what the hell is wrong with yo ass but you need to get it together Nic ."

I just bounced my legs up and down franticly . "I apologize ..."

"Thats all yo ass gotta say ? I apologize . You can take that sorry ass apology amd shove it up ya ass for all I care ."

I stood up as he was about to head for the door till I grabbed him by his arm .

"Wait , Safaree I needed this baby . I d-"

"Nic you didnt even as so much call me or anything . I was blowing up ya phone for days till I found it in the drawer !"

"Like I said , I apologize . Safaree you have no idea what the hell I am currently going through ."

He shook his head as I wiped away my tears from my dull face . Ive cried so much it doesnt even phase me no more .

"Then tell me Nic . What could possibly be so wrong in your perfect life ? God you better be glad I love yo ass ."

I gave him a sacastic smile while shaking my head now . "I dont even love your son..."

When I said that , he immediately straightened up and listened to what I had to say .

"I tried ao hard to put on a smile when everyone was around . I dont even love my kid Safaree . You have nooo idea how bad I hate myself for it but its like I have no control over it ... Sometimes I just want to hurt him but I cant because I keep promising myself I will love him as much as you do and being away from all the stress and people really did give me some time to get even closer to Jamez ."

He took a deep sigh wiping away my tears bringing me into a hug .

"Fuck everybody . Its us four against the world ."

I smiled nodding my head .

"I love you Safaree ."

"I love you more Onika ."

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I was in the middle of a workout till I felt a pair of wrap around my waist .

"Safaree , not now baby , I really need to get back in the habit of working out ."

He chuckled picking me up as I rolled my eyes wrapping my legs around him . "You look fine ."

"No I dont , stoooppp Faree !" , I whined as we were against the wall while he kissed all on my neck .

"Why ?! The kids gone . I got practice in less than an hour , c'mon bae ."

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