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I have come to conclusion I am the world biggest dumb fuck for even knowing Àngel . I swear its like he can be happy and shit but not Nika , oh nooo . I know the only reason Safaree stayed with me was because of Jamez , the ONLY reason . I dont blame him though . I hate myself for even stooping down that low .

"Please can you get him for me Safaree . " , I whine while working on the magazine . I desided to just work from home since Jamez is still new and I was still rocking the baby fat .

"Damn Nicki , do it yourself ! I mean aint sat down for a split second !" , he shouted .

".... Fuck it ." , I mumbled while getting out of bed packing my papers and stuff throwing on some clothes and throwing my hair into a messy bun .

I picked up my baby as he quiet down immediently .

"Were are you going with my child ?" , he asked standing in my way .

"Please move Safaree ." , I stated calmly .

He took a few deep breaths balling up his fist as he shook his head moving . I just rolled my eyes and headed downstairs to my car .

As I places Jamez securely in his carseat , I drove off finally letting my tears fall .

"I thought it would be different ." , I said to myself as I cried harder .

It seems like three days ago I was happy as hell and now look .

Im engaged and my husband already fucking hates me . Sometimes I just wish I never ever knew Àngel ! I know I cant blame it all on him considering it takes two but I dont even know .

We pulled up Janae's house as I saw Serenity's car here as well .

"C'mon lil daddy . You ready to see auntie Nae and Serenity ?" , I cooed to him as he smiled .

I grabbed his carrier and my bag full of my work . I knocked awaiting for Nae to answer .

"Oh my god !!???!? Your not pregnant !" , she shouted .

I gave a sarcastic smile lifting up the heavy ass carrier to show were he went . She gasped and carefully grabbed him from me as Serenity came to the door with a glass of wine in her hands .

"You had the baby !!!"

I laughed walking in and plopping down on her couch .

"Shut that shit down , acting like this is yo first baby ." , Nae said making me laugh as I placed my hand over my eyes laying back .

"He's harder to work with than JoJo was ." , I stated . All Jamez wanted was to be held and to suck on my boobs every damn second which is a shock considering he's only three days old and preemie .

"Wernt you only 7 months ?"

I nodded . "Why you think he so little ."

"What's his name ?"

"Jamez Llyod Samuels"

They awed in unision as I smiled . As I pulled out my things starting to get to work , I pulled my hair behind my ear as Serenity gasped so loud I jumped looking in my babies direction .

"What is that ?!?" , she shouted as I looked behind me wondering what the hell she was talking about . Once I turned back around , she was sitting next to me reaching for my ring . I oh'ed and giggled as she repeated 'omg' over and over . "Bishhh , NBA got taste !"

Safaree instantly popped up in my head as I pinched at my cheek to keep from balling some tears . I smiled while looking at the ring as well , no doubt once I get everything in order , my husband wouldnt be able to stay away from me . God I knows I love Safaree but I felt like he was now worried about Jamez and JoJo excluding me .

Amor Accidentalحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن