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Alex hopped out of the cab, and walked towards Columbia University. He didn't need to haul luggage around, like many do, because his schoolbooks, some clothes (by some I mean 2 outfits total), a toothbrush, his cellphone, and a laptop was all he owned. Half-sprinting to get to the front desk, he wasn't looking, thus slamming into a man holding a Starbucks. "CRAP! Ohmygosh I am SO SO sorry! I wasn't looking and I-" The man cut him off with "It's fine, really. The names Aaron Burr." With that, Alexander's eyes widened with fear "Omg, the Aaron Burr?! I've heard you're graduating this year! The youngest student ever to do it here! Wow, oh my God, and I just-" Burr cut him off once more. "Y'know, you should really know when to stop talking. How 'bout I buy you a drink instead. Oh, and you don't need to worry about underage drinking, bars here don't really care." Alex, taken aback by Burrs straightforwardness, stuttered "O-okay, that s-sounds f-fine. M-my names Alexander. Alexander Hamilton." Burr smiled an easy smile, and only a certain few can tell it was fake. But, Alex being new, he couldn't tell, so he brightly smiled back, while they strode to a bar entitled 'One Shot Bar and Resturant'. Anxiously waiting at the bar, Alex attempted to make small talk. And his so called "small talk" went something along the lines of:

"Did you see the new play Miranda? I haven't but I hear it's REALLY good. I've listened to the soundtrack on my phone a few times and the music is fantastic. So I have a feeling that the show is bound to be as good as its music, don't 'cha think?"

"Oh...uh...yeah. I've seen it on Broadway. It's really good. I especially like Leslie Odom Jr., even though he was the 'bad guy'."

"Oh... I liked Miranda, because he was a freakin' genius, and he was super cool. I did some research on him after hearing the music, and turns out he might've been Bi, like me! So...yeah"

"Ah...wait, you're Bi?" This conversation suddenly got interesting to Burr.

"Um...yeah. Is that a problem? Are you like...homophobic or something?"

At this, Burr laughed(a genuine one, which was rare) and responded "No, no nothing like's just I don't know anybody that's gay."


Burr turned red(and led me to her bed and let her legs spread :P sorry Im done)and said "Scratch that. Alexander, meet-"

"Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Laffayette."

"C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer Monsieur Laffayette. Jem'appelle Alex Hamilton."

Pleasantly surprised by his acquaintances ability to speak French, he replied in English "It's certainly nice to meet you too! I don't have any American friends who speak my language so fluently! If you were to agree to be my friend, you would be the first. Of course this is up to you-"


Smiling triumphantly, Alexander said to himself that he had made two new friends in a day. Perhaps I will not be lonely this year after all...

Hai! So this is my first story and I am really excited about it. First thing I want to thank Google translate for being my guide around French. I also will be writing a sequel after this story is done. But I have just started this, so... I am aware that I'm fangirlingn over 200 year old guys but who cares I'm weird

❤️💙~Soph ps sorry this is so short. I promise I will make this longer next time

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