Ffffffffvv😐Well Dis Be Akward😐

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Ok guys I'm sorry all my chapters are so 'effing short but I kind of have a problem... I have writers block. I FINALLY UNDERSTAND WHAT JOHN WAS GOING THROUGH FROM THE SHINING. So. Yeah. This is also going to be:

Lafayette POV:

 So now things are akward between those two. I have a feeling that something happened last night and their too shy to talk. I hope no...how you say...shenanigans...happened. But probobly not, John is pretty reserved, even when he is drunk. Alex is quiet, and John is currently texting Hercules... God, every time I HEAR HIS NAME, my heart jumps... cher Seigneur, mon amour Hercules, Qu'est -ce que he fais de toi...?  Oh, speak of the devil, here he is now! I hope I am not too flustered around him! How embarrassing would it be if he found out that I like him! It would be worse than Prom...(prom is when Prom Queen Marie invited Laff to dance, knowing he was clumsy, and made him fall in front of the whole school and laughed at him.) If I could only kiss those perfect lips of his... NO, Laff. You have your wonderful girlfriend at home, you must think about her instead. Ohmygoshness, Herc is staring at me funny...! Act cool. ACT. COOL.

Hercules POV:

Laff is failing at being cool. He's flustered, squeamish, and has this constipated look on his face. It is also so very obvious he has a crush on me. I do too, but the irony is that I can't ask him out because he has a girlfriend, and clingy one at that. Ugh, I how I would like very much to slap that self-satisfied look on her face whenever she glances at me like "Yah, bish, he's mine and there's nothing you can do. 😏" Patience is key. BUT I DONT WANT TO WAIT FOR IT. I AM NOT A A RON! NOR AM I A IDIOT. IMMA GO FOR IT. RIGHT NOW.

Alex POV:

I was pleasantly surprised  (and let's face it, slightly akwkward) about Hercules suddenly jumping up and kissing Laff. Like for 5 minutes, all you could hear is a bunch of sloppy kissing noises. Oh god, imagine wat gon' happen when they get more serious. THEY ARE NEXT DOOR. This is going to be a seriously uncomfortable experience. "Guys, please stop, the last thing we need is a R-rated scene in a kid friendly place. I recommend you stop before we get kicked out." Laurens peel of laughter was like a chorus of angels to my ears, while Laff and Herc were left blushing. My god I am so gay.

Yes, I know this is a little more PG-13 for some references, but just to let y'all know, I never swear. Well, at least, not aloud. I do in my head tho. But enough bout me...on with my point. I just notice that there are a lot of Lams fics with SUPER sad endings that make me cry (don't judge I cried when Dobby dies in Harry Potter and I still do. OOPS, for all you who are new to Harry Potter, don't read that.) I love how they have deep meaning tho, but hey still make me sad. BTW sorry these chapters are so short. My New Years resolution is to write longer chapters I promise.


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