💋Stay...?💋 (aka Alex Screws Up)

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Alexander should have known not to question Johns love. Because no doubt that after seeing Miranda John Laurens was hopelessly, and irreversibly in love with him. But after contemplating the idea that John didn't actually love him (for what reason, I know not) Alex refused to sleep at all. He would stay up, night after night, staring at his computer, only eating protein bars and black coffee. John had no idea what was up, and he needed to clear his mind.

"Alexander, love, I am going on a walk. I'll be back soon, okay?"

"Yes, my wonderful John." 

"I love you..."

Lies... How could he ever love you, Alex? You're an arrogant loudmouth who has less than 0.3% of his own impulse control. A voice hissed in the back of his mind.

"I love you too."

With that, John closed the door, leaving Alex alone with only his nasty thoughts left to keep him company. But that horrible solitude was disturbed by a frantic rapping at his door. Opening it up, Alexander saw Maria Reynolds, bruised and sobbing.

"P-please, Alex, c-could you let m-me in?"

Taken aback by this poor woman's plea, Alex, after a moments hesitation, let her in. The second he did so, Maria collapsed, weeping. 

"Maria, what is it? You look awful!"

"Gee, thanks. My boyfriend is abusive and he tried to get me on drugs and I said no and then he started punching me... and then he got up and left and I found out he was cheating on me... I don't think I can stay here anymore without help. That's why I came to you... you were down the hall and you are really nice and I figured why can't I ask for your advice?" Maria said this in almost one breath, with crying in between sentences. Feeling sympathy for the young woman before him, he lent her some money for her to live on in her current position, and offered to walk her home.

"Thank you... You really are too kind..." 

"It's no problem, really"

After passing a few rooms, they finally made it towards hers. 

"This ones mine sir"

Walking in, Alex wanted to make sure she was comfortable before he left, so he started to heat up some Ramen in the meantime.


John walked through the grounds of Columbia University, enjoying the fresh air. While on the way, he bumped into Eliza, who was on her way to Home Ec.

"Hi, 'Liza!"

"Oh, hi John! I didn't see you there!"

"Yeah, I know..."

After chatting for a while, John started filling Eliza in on his love life, gushing on and on about Alex. Curious he asked Eliza: 

"So who do YOU like?"

Eliza turned red and mumbled 

"Maria Reynolds..."

John, gasping excitedly, told Eliza to hold on as he dashed to Maria's dorm


Alexander was bringing the Ramen to Maria when he tripped and fell next to the couch. Ramen spilled on the floor, Alex was on top of Maria, and that's exactly when John walked in.

I Love You, Laurens (Lams Modern AU) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now