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Eliza didn't want to admit it, but she was resenting the attention James Madison was giving her. It's not that she didn't like James as a friend, but she kind of just... isn't into guys. I mean, she THOUGHT she might have had a crush on boys here and there, but those just ended up being false alarms. It was just a particular liking towards them, like best friends, only not best friends. Yes, she knows this is confusing, but it's the best way for her to explain how she feels. But hope is not completely lost for her to find love. Eliza met a girl in highschool who she has had a crush on ever since. Her name was Maria Reynolds, she used to do modeling, she was one of the prettiest girls in the school (besides Eliza and her sisters, of course), and best of all, she was lesbian. Eliza never told anyone about her feelings except for Angelica, who figured something was up when one of the hottest guys in school asked her out, and she declined. After all, every single girl swooned over him. Eliza was lost, confused, and worried.

Meanwhile, life couldn't be better for Alex and John (despite the teensy, weensy fact that Thomas likes Alex, and all that shizz). Cuddles, rainbows, fluff, fluff, FLUFF. And things couldn't be better. But on the inside, Alex was feeling anxious. Ever since he was a kid, life taught Alexander Hamilton that nothing you will ever love will last. His mother, his cousin, his brother, his town, everything. In his mind, no way was someone like John staying for him. NOBODY EVER STAYS. 

Just a small chapter to keep you filled in! I am sorry, but in the next few chapters, HELLO MY NAME IS ANIGO MONTOYA, YOU KILLED MY GAY SHIP, PREPARE TO CRY. That was my hint. And Princess Bride reference.

I Love You, Laurens (Lams Modern AU) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now