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WHAT?! 72 reads?! This is LINcredible for me! (I know I'm a dork. U can say it.) Dang Son (Don't call me son. Lol ok I'll stop. Man, the man is NONSTOP. Ok I'm done now.) dis be epic. So, I'm adding a bunch of ships as you can clearly see. Eliza/Mads JAMILTON (even though I'm not big on that one) FRICKING LAMS BECAUSE I NEED TO REMIND EVERYONE ABOUT HOW HARD IM SHIPPING LAMS RIGHT NOW. Just a reminder that I'm absolutely crazy (Or should I say: LINsane?! No. Ok.) my gay obsession is showing. WHY MUST I BE BORN STRAIGHT?!!?!!?! Naw I'm kidding. Y'all better love ur self for who u r. No matter what sexuality or race they are (I'm looking at YOU Donald. Oops, sorry if I offended anyone. 😕) LUV URSELVEERRS! Ok I'm done being deep now. Read for a short chapter next.


I Love You, Laurens (Lams Modern AU) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now