Thomas Tells Hammy, And it Ain't Pretty

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Sorry u guys, I have been pretty busy. First off, I got a BF, so yea! Pretty big deal. second, I have just been caught up in school. My math is now at a C!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, I decided to make this a little different than the othe Lams College AUs so here is the drama:

Thomas POV

I really regret my life choices.. WTF WAS I THINKING?!?!?!one second, I'm all like: Yeah I'm totally not gay and in love with Alexder Hamilton! Pffft, who do u think I am? The next I'm all like: Cold in my professions, warm in my friendships, I wish, My dear Hamilton, that I may convince you, by actions rather than words, that I love u. Yeahhhhhhhhhhh.... I may have plagiarized that from one of Lin Manuel Miranda's letters, but Hamilton likes history. And I was acting like a conceited brat. To myself. I didn't do myself a favor and wait until Laurens was gone. I did it in front of THE ENTIRE STUDENT BODY. I said that sentence. I wasn't thinking straight (lol, get it? He wasn't thinking STRAIGHT? ok I'm done.) I was fueled only by deep passion, adoration, love, and let's face it, a tad bit of lust. (BTW there will be no explicitness or smut. Only hints and references here and there. So this is still rated PG or PG-13) My brain shut (or should I say: SMUT) down when I did that. And boy, the look on both of their faces made me want to curl up into a little ball and cry of shame. John Laurens would never hurt a fly, but the murderous expression on his face would have made Molly Weasley AND Chuck Norris back away. But the worst thing is, I made Alexander cry. He started sobbing and ran off, muttering something to John about "Not feeling the same way, I SWEAR." and now everybody hates me, because everybody loves the sharp mouthed, cute faced, quick witted, gay Law student. Except for Burr. He loathes Alex on the inside. Says he talks to much. But I have satisfaction witnessing his fits of passion, the way he primps and preens and dresses with some old school fashion (EEEYYYY u people get me) 

What the heck I gotta do...

Johns POV

*#%& Jefferson! He thinks he can just steal my boyfriend?! That smarmy prick doesn't know ANYTHING!!!!!!!!! 


Oops I said that out loud. My bad. This ends now. Tomorrow I'm going to "talk" to Jefferson

Alex POV

Honestly, I'm a little frightened. About Thomas' confession, about Johns reaction. Sometimes John acts rash, despite his sweet disposition. 

Lord, show me how to fight back to this, I don't know how to fight back to this...

Woo! U guys like it? I hope u did. This is another time I'm using POVs. Idk why. Also, don't judge me for my puns, a lot of my friends do... Also, I made a meme that is epic beyond all epic see it on pic collage I am HamiltonMemes_1776 if u have it. So yeah... If u have any ideas for the next chapter plz tell me I adore all comments I get!

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