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 3 or four hours later at the bar, Alex decided he had to head to his dorm and unpack. After saying goodbye to a very drunk Laffayette and a shaken not slurred (ehh, see what I did there?)Burr, he left. Looking at his key card, he went to room 1781. Swiping it in the slot, he opened the door. And what Alexander saw nearly made him pass out.

There, standing in front of him, was the cutest guy he ever saw. 

Freckles scattered across his face, hazel-y green eyes that sparkled, espresso curls tied back in a ponytail... Don't just sit there gaping at him. TALK TO HIM. 

And that was exactly what what crossed the two men's minds. So John started first saying hi, which was more of a problem, because his voice had an adorable, slight Southern accent. All Alex could do was say hi. And and JOHN thought that THIS was a problem because he had an adorable, slightly Hispanic accent. So they both stood there, until John finally said "I-I'm John L-Laurens. It's a pleasure to meet you." Alex, broken out of his trance, got a sudden burst of courage and said "If it means traveling seas for us to meet, it will have been worth it." John started blushing deeper shades of red until it seemed as though he was a tomato with freckles. A cute tomato though Alex thought. Now it was John's turn to talk. "S-so, where you from?" 

"An island in the Caribbean called Nevis. I got top marks and I'm betting college would be just as easy. I plan on getting all my work done, straight A's and graduating Valedictorian, as I did in Nevis. I mean, if Highschool is that easy, how can college be different, if I prevent myself from getting...a b-boyfriend..." Alex regretted those words coming out his mouth. John was probobly SUPER straight. While he was stuck being about as straight as a rainbow. On the other hand, John couldn't be more delighted with those words, though he hid it well. Alex is GAY! I mean, he may not be looking for a boyfriend but I can change that! John was beyond ecstatic at this point.

"So...um... unpack your stuff! This place is yours!"

A few minutes later, when all his stuff was put away, Alex crawled into bed, and the second he put his head on the pillow, he fell fast asleep.

Ok, sorry that this is so short... But anyways, THANK YOU for reading this. Idrc about how many people read this as long as they enjoy it! So 1 read is really great! And yes I know I sound like a dork but in a way aren't we all?

Luv ya, Happy New Year


I Love You, Laurens (Lams Modern AU) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now