3 girls and 30 seconds to mars - Chapter 9

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Jared sat on his bed against the wall and thought about what Shannon said yesterday when he wanted to search for the girls in the forbidden area.

"You will not go on Jared," Shannon said convincingly to his little brother. "If you are going to look for them again you will come in the prohibited area and we all vowed to never go there again!"

"Yes, but..." Jared starts to sputter. "Jared, you know what happened last time we went there," Shannon said sternly. Jared looked straight down and said no more.

Of course Jared knows what had happened last time. It was because of him that they weren’t allowed to go there anymore. Jared sighed and thought back to that day, which was now almost one year ago.

Jared walked alone around the city. He doesn’t know where he was going. He was humming and sometimes softly singing. He was so busy with it that he saw at the last minute that here were some fangirls around him. He tries to help the girls with taking pictures and autographs. Almost all the girls shouted that he was there. There were too much girls now around him so he apologized. He quickly ran away from the crowd as his life depended on it. Some girls ran after him because they didn’t want him to leave.

Only when Jared was sure that they no longer haunted him, he stopped running and looked around. Where was he? He did not recognize anything. Was this the part which Shannon warns him that he not go there because of all the dangers? The dangers Shannon never told him. Jared was curious because of it. What all the dangers were there. He wants to find out.

Jared started to walk quietly and curious around. Until now, he could not find anything unusual or dangerous. The only thing that stands out is that there are fewer people walking around in this area. That makes it so strange as if there 's something going on here. The people he encounters are silently consulting with their partner. So quiet that only the two of them could hear it and Jared absolutely nothing. As if they're talking about is secret. Like he can’t know about it.

Jared walks still on. It gives him something uncomfortable. It seems that they're talking about him. But that is not because they looked at him because they don’t.

Still looking around, he still tries to find his way back but fails. He goes further into the neighborhood, instead of out.

At one point he comes out in a square. In the middle term, he tries to see which direction he should from now. When it is in the middle wolves come from all directions.

Jared noticed that  he can not move anymore. And it only got worse because there are people with guns and crossbows walking next to the wolves.

Jared knows he is surrounded and they wanted him to be. Why else would they trap him? He was the entire being watched or something? Or... No that can’t be! They not know his secret!

Jared couldn’t take it anymore when they came closer and he did not know how to get out of here.

Why did not he listened to his big brother. Then he wasn’t here in this area and just home, but now he is by his self in trouble.

Suddenly in the corner of his eye he saw a woman running toward him with a sword. He can not do anything than fight. Otherwise, he would die and that is not the intention, but on the other hand, he doesn’t want to hurt others.

The woman was now quite close with her sword so Jared had to dodge, but quickly grabbed her sword away from her.

At the moment the woman runs towards him angrily to get her sword back Jared heard that there was more fighting around him.

Not knowing who were fighting he still looked at the woman. He tries to dodge again but forgot to look where the sword pointed to. The woman also did not look at the sword which causes to pierce through her body.

"No," said Jared immediately disbelief and let the sword go. This can not be! He is not the killing type.

Without Jared noticing that Shannon and Tomo were the ones who were fighting with the hunters and wolves to save Jared.

Jared just looked at the lifeless body and don’t see that a man walks up to him.

"You're going to die," said the man angrily and grabbed his crossbow.

Jared looks straight at the man and took the sword to defend himself. "I swear to you it was not my intention to kill her!" Said Jared right away, but the man just looked furious and was ready to shoot Jared.

At the last moment Jared dodged the arrow and waved the sword to keep the guy in an distaince but cut the cheek of the man.

The man was still angry, but before he could do anything Shannon and Tomo pulled Jared away from the man and ran as fast as they can away. "I will not rest until you're dead!" Shouts the man still them.

Jared is writhing on the bed. He hates himself because of what he has done. Fortunately, for himself and the rest of the world nobody knows that he killed someone.

It 's good that he had a Mohawk then which causes that nobody recognize him with his long hair.

Shannon knocked on the door.

"Jared? How it is? You're haven’t come out of your room, " Shannon said, and opened the door and saw his little brother to cringing.

" You thought about exactly one year ago?" Shannon then asked and sat down next to Jared and hugged him.

"Once everyone knows it Shannon and we can say goodbye to the band," said Jared and cuddled along with Shannon.

Tomo looked into the room. "If they still have not been made public, they probably do not Jared," said Tomo reassuring.

Jared was not there at all because he thought back to the woman he had killed accidentally. For some reason, she somehow looked familiar.

" You're not gonna believe what I just thought," he said with big eyes. Now he understood why the woman looked familiar to him.

" What?" Asked Shannon and Tomo in unison.

"That woman I killed looked like the girl I saw in front of me," said Jared. "So the girl is her daughter?" Shannon asked. Jared nodded and could not believe it at all.

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