3 girls and 30 seconds to mars - Chapter 20

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Lyra walks with Layla out of the concert hall. Both were pleased with the concert, but was sorry that Lucy could not be there. Just at the moment they turned around a corner Lyra suddenly thought of something. What could be more fun than knowing what Shannon does after a concert?

Layla looks at Lyra and notices that she's grinning. "Where do you think off now?" Layla asked her. Knowing that Lyra thinks of something because grinning.

"Nothing," said Lyra still grinning and glances around her. Suddenly she gets an idea and immediately looks at Layla. "I just realized that I had to do something for Lucy, so I can not go with you towards home," Lyra lies.

"For Lucy?" Says Layla. She believes nothing. "Yes, because of Jared," said Lyra immediately and Shannon sees in her peripheral vision. "So I'm going bye!" She said and ran towards Shannon's direction.

Lyra continues to stand behind another corner so she can still see Shannon. "How can I best follow him without him seeing me?" She asks herself, but hit herself later for her own head.

"Seriously Lyra ... You're going to ask yourself how you can chase Shannon while you are a shapeshifter? so you can change in any animal you want to chase him?" Lyra said to herself and changed into a black sheepdog. "He will not recognize me like this," said Lyra happily to herself and ran straight in his direction.

Shannon calmly walks towards the park. He has all the time for himself. He would join Jared and Tomo later this evening in the tourbus. It was so late that not many people would walk through the park and that he needed a moment. Not that people around them are bad, but now without people would be fine.

Shannon just sits on a park bench with his eyes closed when he heard something. Something ran towards direction, but it didn't sound human. Previously an animal, but what kind?

He opens his eyes and sees a black sheepdog sit infront of him. She wags her tail and barks happy and cheerful.

"What are you doing here alone? Where is your owner? "Shannon immediately asks and looks at the dog. Lyra the dog glances with an angled head towards him and grabs a branch from the ground. She barks and wags immediately her tail and looks at him that he must take the branch to throw it away.

Shannon just laughs and strokes over her head.

Lyra wags and barks once thrilled when Shannon grabbed the branch of her. Shannon immediately throws the branch away. Lyra runs happily and fast after the branch and not much later brought the branch back to him.

Shannon strokes over her head. "Sweet dog," he said, smiling. Lyra looks happy and wags.

If Shannon only knew who the dog really was and throws the branch away again.

They continued to play until Shannon and swallowed. He knew he had to go somewhere before he goes to Jared and Tomo and looks at Lyra.

He strokes over her head so she wags happy. "I'm sorry girl, but I still have to go somewhere and it is not wise if you went along," Shannon said as he sits down for her and hugs her.

Lyra starts howling sad and sad to him.

"I'm sorry, but I really have to go," Shannon said, and gives a kiss on her nose and then he runs away.

Lyra runs silently as black sheepdog after him until they came to the forest. Lyra quickly turns into a black bunny and sprinted back to Shannon.

She immediately stopped when she saw him bend over a deer and changed back into herself (a human so). This can not be? Does he really drink from the deer? If so, he must be a vampire. It can not be otherwise! Her favourite vampire? Seriously? Why not just a human like other bands?

Shannon stood not much later back on his feet and turned around when he suddenly sees Lyra. "How ... how long have you been there?" He asks surprised with wide eyes.

"Just as long to know that my favourite is a vampire," said Lyra as she walks over to him and gave a slap in the face. "How can you quietly playing with animals, but on the other hand you kill and suck their blood? Tell me that! "

Shannon growls even angry. "Would you rather that i drink my own fans and kill them because of it? And how do you know that I played with an animal?" Shannon asks her. Lyra glances with the same eyes as when she was a dog. "No, do not say that you're a Shapeshifter," Shannon said as soon as he noticed it. Lyra respond to it immediately and ask him or Jared and Tomo also vampire.

"That I'm performing with them does not to say that they are vampire too,' Shannon said, and immediately runs away quickly.

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