3 girls and 30 seconds to mars - Chapter 11

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Meanwhile with Jason and Casper. ”He may be." said Casper looking straight to Jared. ”Are you sure Casper 'said Jason. ”Not quite, but I do not see any others.” said Casper. ”I call our boss now.” Jason said and picked up the phone to call Lucy 's dad. "Boss, Casper and I think to have found him. Yes. he looks different now. Yes, I said. We're not quite sure it 's because of that. We do this boss. We first make sure that he is before we can take him.” said Jason and hung up.

"We have to be sure Casper before we can do anything, " says Jason immediately to him. Casper nodded and walked towards Jared who was all in black with sunglasses on.

"May I ask you something?" Casper said as he stood beside Jared. ”If it's fast because I have somewhere to go.” Jared said, looking searchingly to Casper and Jason. Not that they see that through the sunglasses.

"We would like to know what you were doing exactly one year ago ? " Asked Jason then.

Jared didn’t trust them. Especially because of the way it was asked.

 “Why do you want to know that? " Jared asked and kept a distance between them.

"Because me and my partner think we know you. And if you do. We have you seen just last year for the last time," explains Jason.

"And where would that have been? " Asked Jared immediately but he certainly didn’t trust the two of them.

Casper and Jason look at each other. Should they say it or not? They need to tell it, but on the other hand, he could lie. ”We tell it to you if you put your sunglasses of.” says Jason.

Jared shakes his head. ”I'm sorry. gentlemen, but if you know me then you know that I don’t just put my sunglasses off.” said Jared. ”So you tell me now. Or I'm gone."

"Okay! We tell you.” said Casper. ”The last time we saw you was at a large square...” Jared's eyes widened but they couldn’t see it through his sunglasses. They knew what had happened exactly one year ago. They needed to be there otherwise they didn’t know this.  ”I'm sorry gentlemen, but I was not there.” Jared said as fast.

" Are you sure?" Asked Casper again.

"Yes. I was on tour with my band.” said Jared irritated. ”And if you do not stop asking, something wil happen.”

" Why does something tell me that you 're lying, " Casper goes on.

”I speak the truth here, so do not push me towards lying.” Jared said, looking angry.

”But you give me more and more the idea that you really lying," says Casper.

”Casper, beware...” says Jason but could not finish his sentence because Jared grabs Caspers shoulders and pushes him away which causes Casper to hit hard against a car.

”I warned you," said Jared.

Jason runs straight to Casper. but when he looks back Jared is gone. ”What the...” Jason began. but then looked at Casper to get help after the blow that Jared gave Casper.

Three girls and Thirty Seconds to MarsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz