3 girls and 30 seconds to mars - Chapter 16

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" Lyra. Lyra. Lyra. Lyra. Lyra. Lyra. Lyra. Lyra. Lyra. Lyra. Lyra. Lyra. Lyra. Lyra." Layla called hyper for Lyra when she walked into the house. ”What is it Layla? And why are you so hyper?" Lyra asked curiously while Lucy stood beside her. ”You'll never guess what just happened in the park.” said Layla and jumped because of joy. ”Layla, if we can not guess it then you just have to tell us.” said Lucy. laughing. ”Well… I once was on top of Tomo.” Layla said blushing and then took 30 seconds to mars tickets out. ”And I got two tickets for tonight’s show from him.” "Unfair! You two can go to an concert of them without me," Lucy said, and was immediately hugged by the two girls. ”We can not do anything about Lucy.” says Layla. ”But tell us how you lay on top of Tomo?’'said Lyra suddenly to Layla and beginning to go grin.

"Well. um... I was jogging and suddenly ran up to him so we both lost our balance.” said Layla blushing. Lucy whistled immediately. ”Layla has a crush on Tomo." said Lucy laughing. ” Luce,” called Layla. Lucy laughed only. ”Now go change clothes otherwise you will have a good place.” Lucy said smiling as she finished laughing. ”You're right," said Lyra  looking at Layla who nodded once. ”Do not worry about me, if you go. I go to Jason.” Lucy said smiling.

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