3 girls and 30 seconds to mars - Chapter 15

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"Come on Jared! You need distraction! "Says Shannon at him. ”No, I do not feel like it Shannon!" Jared said irritated again. ”Jared! You have to go out and come other thoughts!" Shannon said again. ”I do not feel like it Shan! So I won’t go!” Jared said irritated. Shannon growled and grabbed Jared's arm. ” You just go with me otherwise we haven’t anything with you tonight!" Shannon said angrily pulling Jared outside. ”Shannon." said Jared angry, but knew it was no use trying to get loose. Shannon would never give up making Jared quickly grab his sunglasses before he was out.

When Shannon was a few blocks farther he lets Jared's hand loose. Just in case that Jared wanted to go back to the Tour bus. Both men wear sunglasses and have hoods on so few people as possible recognize them.

"Look at her with that blonde hair.” Shannon whispered in his ear. Jared looked that way immediately. ”Hmm.. I rather think that the girl with ​​brown hair is better.” Jared whispered back. ”Are you sure?" Shannon asked. ”Look at her Shan." said Jared. Shannon looks to her brother and is sees that his brother is right.

“And what about that girl over there?" Asked Shannon not much later. Jared looks that way and looks at her for a moment until he sees the one who walks behind the girl. ”Sh... Shan... We have to leave.” says Jared with big eyes. ”Why?" Shannon immediately asked surprised. “The man behind the girl is the husband of the woman I...”Jared said and Shannon walked quickly away. They keep running just in case that the man saw them. The man saw them run away and despite he was not sure who they were. He found it very suspicious that their sudden ran away when they saw him.

Jared and Shannon keep running fast through streets and alleys until they are sure they lost him. ”Is he gone?" Asks Jared immediately and looks around. ”I think so Jay. I see him no more.” says Shannon. ”We can now safely go to the tour bus.” says Jared and they ran that way.

The man who is the father of Lucy is fed up that he has lost the two men. Why did they suddenly ran away from him? That can only be so if they have something to hide? Or if they know who he is and are their enemy? He walks even further around hoping he will find them come so he can take his revenge.

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