3 girls and 30 seconds to mars - Chapter 14

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Lucy woke up from her mobile which was vibrating. Who needs to call her so early ? She takes the call tired and hears on the other side that it is Jason. ”Hey Jason. What is it? You want me to work with you tonight because Casper can’t? Why? He 's what? You're not serious! I'll come to that place tonight Jason. I love you too. Until tonight," Lucy said, and hung up.

Lucy then stretched and dresses. Suddenly she consider again the nightmare turned into a dream. Had she really kissed Jared in it? Lucy wonders if it has something to do with her boyfriend wasn’t able to save her from the punk? So why was Jared able to?

"Slept well unless to the nightmare?" Asked Lyra when Lucy walked into the living room. ”Fortunately yes." said Lucy smiling and gave Lyra a hug. ”You've been with me again Lyra,' said Lucy happy. ”Yes, as always.” Lyra said, smiling. “Layla was slightly too busy with her ​​dream.” "Sorry. I can not help it this time.” said Layla immediately. ”Tomo asked me to be his girlfriend in my dream.” Layla looked happy when she said it. ”We would not like to stop such a beautiful dream," Lyra said. smiling. ”Would not it be nice if it was really true.” said Layla and saw it all happening.

"I have to tell you both something.” Lucy began. ”Jason just called me and I need to replace Casper for tonight Casper so no girls night tonight.” " Can not you move? "Asked Lyra immediately. Lucy shook her head. “Lyra and I will see later what we are going to do.” said Layla. ”But I 'm going jogging outdoors now. See you later.” And with those words Layla left.

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