3 girls and 30 seconds to mars - Chapter 12

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Lyra woke up in the middle of the night. She wanted to check on Lucy just in case she had the same thing as last year when her father told her that her mother was killed. Lyra walked past Layla’s room and looked quietly inside. "Are you really meaning that Tomo?" Layla asks softly while she sleeps. "Do you really want me to be your girlfriend?" Lyra rolled her eyes because of the dream Layla had and walked quietly away. She went out of her bed for Lucy after al. Once she was in the room of Lucy she heard that she was right. Lucy had a nightmare. Lyra walks fast into the room and sits down next her. Lyra immediately stroked through Lucy's hair and held Lucy close to her. "I am here Lucy. Nobody is going to hurt you." Said Lyra. " really do not leave you alone in this nightmare. " And with that, Lyra gave her a hug.

In Lucy 's dream.

Lucy looked around. Clearly she has the feeling that she someone is following her, but can not see by whom. Any street or alley she walks in will not help because she knows someone is following her. Lucy hopes so bad that it is not the murderer of her mother.

Suddenly she comes out in a blind alley. She almost did not dare to look back. She really do not want to know who is behind her because she hears someone stand in the beginning of the alley and walks closer.

Yet Lucy looks back careful and sees a punk standing. She looks at him terrified and swallowed as he comes closer. Lucy tries to get her bow and arrow, but notes on her back that she didn’t have them with her.

Shit! How can she save herself now out here? She can not find a way  to get away from the punk. Lucy swallows and see the punk still walking towards her but without her noticing she walks back but against the wall.

Lucy is afraid the punk comes closer and she closes her eyes. She doesn’t want to see and know what he will do to her.

She suddenly hears something fall before her but doesn’t know whether she should look or not. Yet she looks very careful and sees Jared in front for her. She looks a little happier because he chases the punk away for her.  “Thank you." Lucy said smiling while Jared turns around and walks towards her. "Of course I protect a beautiful girl against a guy who has evil intentions." Jared said. Lucy walks a bit towards him but stops so he put the final steps.

She looks at his beautiful eyes which causes her to almost drown in them, but then she notices that Jared has brought his head closer towards hers and begins to kiss her. Immediately back to reality Lucy kisses him to and wraps her arms around his neck. Jared closed his arms around her and hugged her.

Lyra sighed with relief when Lucy hugged with her. Her nightmare was over. Lyra was glad that it was but stayed with her friend just in case it happens again.

Three girls and Thirty Seconds to MarsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora