(V1) Chapter 9 - Left Alone

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Sammy always looked toward to going to the diner. The second time his friends came over, which was two weeks later, he helped Dan receive his plush. Michael stayed further away every time Sammy was with them.

But Dan was right. Even though William was very nice to Sammy and loved him, he seemed to be wandering and lingering more and more every day.

Sammy wanted to talk to his new father about what happened in the backroom, but it was forgotten quickly. Michael actually stayed away from William for a long time . . .

But something happened on the fifth visit of his friends.

Ever since their third visit, William and his family moved over to visiting Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. Luckily, Sammy's friends were too, except for June, who stayed back. It was becoming more popular than Fredbear's Diner. Sammy had no idea of why William would change locations, but Michael and him were fine with it.

"Sammy!" Sarah lept over and hugged him while the rest of the gang greeted him at the entrance.

William sped off somewhere suspiciously and Michael went off to find a good spot for him and his friends.

Dan rushed over. "Haven't you heard Sam?" he panted, as he and Haden ran over to the group from the main stage. "The main company is making a new place for private parties, we should go there sometime for Haden's birthday, it's coming up, I mean, do you want to go?" Sammy was about to agree, until a sudden thought punched him.

It can't be . . . like . . . Lizzie's? . . . Did Dad . . . really . . .

His turned as pale as snow.

"Sammy . . ! Dan didn't mean that." Sarah came over and hugged the frightened child again while she glared at Dan.

"Sarah . . . sorry, Sam . . . um."

"Guys," Charlie interrupted. "It's my birthday, how a 'bout we find something to do? You know, to get our minds off--"

"Yes," Dylan said through gritted teeth. "Come on, let's go . . ." He motioned everyone to the stage.

Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie the Bunny, and Chica the Chicken (with her cupcake) were all at the stage. The room was spacious and contained many long tables side by side. To one side, a little extra room was added for a small, circular curtained stage, where Foxy the Pirate Fox preformed for the children surrounding him.

The arcade area was on a side of the room, and the prize counter was near the entrance.

All the parents were at their tables and were watching their children, except for Sammy's.

Charlie, Sarah, and Dylan went to the stage to see their favorite animatronics perform. Meanwhile, Haden went to Foxy's Cove while the other five weren't looking.

That left Dan and Sammy alone at their table, which was farthest from the stages.

"Sammy, I know how everything is . . . scary . . . to you, but you know we're still your friends, right? Even June."

Sammy hugged his plush, which he still had with him, and Dan took notice.

"Oh, yea," Dan continued, "and I wanted to say thanks for the plush you helped me get; I love it a lot."

Sammy nodded. "Yea . . . it's okay, I guess you could say I'm shy?"

"We meet again, Dan-nerd."

Michael took Sammy by the neck of his gray and black striped shirt and tugged it back, making Sammy go out of his seat. Sammy let go of his bear, which fell to the carpet. Michael's friends chuckled, one laughing coldly.

"Put him down," Dan's voice yelled as he whipped his head toward him and stood up, "or I'll tell your--"

Michael laughed. "He's busy, and if you bother him, he's gonna be real mad."

Dan lost his voice from there on, and Sammy watched him cower back.

"Let me go, Michael!" Sammy yelped as one of Michael's friends grabbed his bear from the floor and mimicked it to look like Sammy. They snickered.

Tears pouring out, Sammy saw Dan running away through his blurry vision. Minutes later, Michael let go of him, and Sammy fell to the floor, getting rug burns as his bear was tossed up on top of him.

Sammy grabbed his plush and ran from the evil gang, going under a table far from them.

Minutes later, he heard a familiar voice. "Sammy, is that you?" It was Dan.

Anger rising up, Sammy pushed himself from under the table, facing not only Dan, but his other friends as well.

"Sammy," Haden began, "we saw what happened over there, but we couldn't--"

"Why did you leave me there?!" Sammy yelled at them, voice cracking. "I thought friends would . . . help each other."

More tears poured out, and he stuck himself under the table.

"We're still your friends," Dylan emphasized, "we just--"

Sammy's rage grew dim. "Just . . . leave me alone." the voice under the table replied.

He heard deep depressing breaths from the children, and saw their footsteps go away. He let his grip go on his bear, and more tears rained out.


After awhile, Sammy left from under the table to see something odd.

'Fredbear' was at the stage, talking to his 'friends', and leading them away into the bathroom area.

Something suspicious was going on, so he followed the bear and the children.

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