(V1) Chapter 16 - You Are Broken

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William pushed Michael and his group over and tried to open the machine's jaw that was clutching his son.

The crowd was screaming, and a couple of people called someone, probably the emergency line.

Several of the guards stood frozen, but after a few moments they ran over and tried to open the shut jaw with William. It wouldn't budge for a bit, but it finally creaked open and fell to the ground with Sammy. A couple of guards took off and returned with first aid kits and bandaged the broken and horribly bloody frontal lobe as fast as they could.

William couldn't believe it. He was shattered again. Another one of his children were killed by these robots. Tears in his eyes, he held Sammy, not knowing what to do. The guards stood back, and William was blank in nothingness. His reforming world had broken once more.

If only I could save him too, William thought. But then the idea hit him. He was still experimenting for Elizabeth, so maybe he could? Yes. Maybe.

A tear fell from his face and splattered on the silent yet calm face of his son. If only there were more . . . yes, more animatronics. That's all, I just have to . . . save them.

His thoughts were interrupted and he felt a tug on his right arm, bringing him back to the real world. He suddenly noticed he heard a siren. An ambulance?

The person tugged his right arm again, saying something ensuring, but muffled out like everything else. He then willed his hands to let go, and his son was carried away by people. As William turned his head around to watch his son go out of the building, he saw Michael's fearful face, and he grew hot with rage. It was all his fault, his "prank" made this all happen!

But as he felt a small, cold hand on his own, his rage grew dim. The girl who brought him out here was looking solemn. Her eyes were wet with tears and her skirt slightly damp.

"Are you okay, Mr. Afton?" he heard the girl say.

William took a moment to consider this, and before he could say "yes," the girl whimpered, "I'm sure he'll be alright. Maybe."

Yes, William thought back to her. Maybe is always the answer . . .


Sammy didn't know where he was. He could feel himself, but he didn't see, hear, or smell anything, until he opened his eyes and found himself laying on something. My bed?

Sammy sat up and opened his eyes. He was in his room again! He stood up and went under his bed, bringing out a flashlight. Then he crept slowly to his right door. Everything's back to normal!

But something didn't feel right, like it was all . . .

He turned on his flashlight and say the worst thing yet. It was Fredbear, the normal kind, but it was like he radiated fear all around him. He was black, wearing a yellow bow and hat, and wires were sticking out everywhere. Sammy quickly shut his door and locked it.

. . . a Nightmare.

Sammy sped to the left door, shut it, and locked it too. Then, as he sat on his head, his head pierced with voices and thoughts as if the person saying it was right next to his ear. "It's me." "It's me!" "Give me a big kiss!" "I didn't mean to!" "Just come out, I won't hurt you."

As he turned around to the head of the bed, he realized it wasn't his own thoughts. His flashlight hit against the black beast. It let out a terrible screech, and everything went black again.


Sammy didn't know how long it was. Minutes? Weeks? Years? It was hards to keep track, feeling nothing, his mind wandering. Why did this happen to me? Why not someone else . . . ?

Then he felt. He sat up again, and saw the things he last wanted to see. His friends. They were all there, in their plushes.

Suddenly, overpowered with sadness and regret, he cried. He caused all of this, it was his fault. And he didn't stop it. No, he couldn't stop it.


Sammy kept crying, but he recognized the voice. It was Michael's.

"Can you hear me? I don't know if you can hear me."

Sammy tried to say something, but he couldn't. It was like his mouth was taped shut or he lost his voice. There was silence for a bit, but then heard something from Michael that he never thought he would hear, even sincerely.

"I'm sorry."

Sammy wept even harder now, and felt happy for once that his brother cared for him, but it was extinguished by the fact that he made this happen. Then another familiar voice came in.

"You're broken," William whispered, as plush Foxy disappeared. Where are they going?

"We are still your friends." Chica left. Don't leave me here!

William's calming chuckle echoed throughout the area. "Do you still believe that?" Bonnie faded away into the darkness.

William's voice became a bit serious. "I am still here." Just as the rest, Freddy faded away, leaving Sammy with Fredbear and the voice of his living father.

And as Fredbear disappeared, William's last words were whispered.

"I will put you back together."

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