26. You Join Him On Tour

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Harry has been your best friend since childhood and you had stuck together ever since. X-Factor, girl- or boyfriends, not even the fame had ruined your friendship so you liked to think nothing would come between both of you.

Right now, you were joining One Direction on tour for the first time. It was quite the experience, but you loved every single second of it. The other boys really loved you too and they all saw you as their little sister. You had an amazing bond with all of them and that made touring with them even more fun than it already was.

Tonight, you decided to stay in the tour bus, because you were feeling really tired and hoped to catch some sleep. When the boys arrived around midnight, they were almost jumping from excitement. You heard Harry trying to calm them down, saying you were probably already asleep.

After about 20 minutes had passed the whole tour bus was silent again. Still you couldn't fall asleep. You tossed, turned to lie on your other side and then tossed around again, trying to find the perfect sleeping spot. You also hoped Harry would hear, so he would know you weren't asleep yet. You loved sleeping in his bunk bed and talking about absolutely nothing.

Eventually he caught on.

"Pssst. [Y/N]?" The sound of his whispers almost made you grin, but you contained yourself.


"Can't sleep?"

"Not really," you whispered back, ready to jump out of your bunk and into his.

"C'mere." Harry didn't have to say it twice, because you were already out of your bed. When you lay down next to him, you felt your whole body relax under his touch. You kind of had feelings towards Harry, although you weren't sure what that exactly meant. So, you decided not to tell him about your little crush.

Your best friend wrapped his arm around you and you rested your head on his bare chest. The warmth of his body made your eyes flutter close.

"Your feet are so cold," Harry softly whined making you giggle.

"My cold feet are very sorry."

For a few minutes it was silent. You weren't sure Harry had already fallen asleep or not, because you couldn't see his face.

Suddenly, Harry took a deep breath and started talking again. "You know, [Y/N]..." he trailed off, trying to find the right words.


"I kinda like you, I guess." A grin formed on your face almost immediately, because he finally said the words you thought you'd never hear.

"You guess?" you joked lightly and Harry groaned.

"As my best friend, you should know I'm not good at explaining what I feel, [Y/N]."

You placed your chin on Harry's chest so you could look him in the eye. A soft smile was playing on his pink lips and his green eyes were almost sparkling. Your whole body started to tingle just by looking at him and you felt like the luckiest girl in the world.

"Well, I kinda like you too, I guess."

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