Chapter 3 - No Fair

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Chapter 3 - No Fair

This morning Dad woke me up early so we could go mustering. He said it might take a couple days - even a week!! I really hope he doesn't expect me to help out the WHOLE time. Being 15 is so hard! You have to do so much for others, that you hardly get any time for yourself!! It gets so frustrating! I know I've only been 15 for a couple of days, but it's been the busiest couple of days in my life! Getting lectured by Mom to get better grades, getting lectured by Dad to get a job ASAP! Meanwhile my older brother's 17 and he doesn't have to lift a finger! It's so unfair. I wish I didn't turn 15!!

To my grandchildren if you ever find this diary: don't be impatient to grow up! Embrace your youth! Before you know, you're out worrying about boyfriends/girlfriends, getting jobs, your classes get so much harder and you barely get any time for yourself!

This is so hectic! I just want at least a minute to my self without my little sister Lacey, who's only 6, begging me to play 'dollies' and my older brother Troy nagging me to clean his dishes, get him food and clean his room!! Even on the subject of growing up, and my friends have a phone, and I don't! They've all got the latest iPhone 5cs, and I'm here with the crappy old iPhone 5!! Grrr I hate being 15! Gotta run ✌️

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