Chapter 15 - Social

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So now it's Saturday and I finally got to sleep in! The next week coming is my last week before Spring break. Me and the chickas have decided were going to go to Cali and bring Joe and Henry along with us. Caitlyn and I are about to go shopping for bikinis and beach wear for our big trip. Our spring break is only usually 2 weeks but us 6 are going to stay for 4 cause yolo. Henry texted me this morning at like 8:30 which woke me up so I've been awake for like 2 hours longer than I planned to. Mums making sausage and eggs for breakfast so I'm waiting it out in bed so I don't have to go set the table. Mum, dad, Troy, And Danyon have no idea about Henry. I think Cheree and Chris do so I pray to GOD that they don't tell mum and dad. Mums buying me a dog for being so good this year at school so far. It's funny cause I'm like the only smart one in my family, and that's pretty bad. Troy dropped out year 9, the only class Danyon passed was hpe and mum had to leave early cause she was pregnant with Danyon in year 10 and dad dropped out to join a painting business. It's scary to think mum was pregnant at my age! I only just got a boyfriend and she was in a serious committed relationship! Mum and dad split up when I was about 2 so I never really knew him. Me Danyon and Troy have different dads. Mum knows all of our dads but she won't tell us. She's shown us pictures of the three dads but we have to work out who belongs to who. Anyways, dad just called me down for breaky so i haz to go. Bye bye 👋

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Well, turns out breakfast wasn't ready and I had to set the table anyway. On the other hand, when breakfast was finally ready, it tasted amazing. Mum knows exactly how I like my eggs and dad cooks sausages to perfection 👌. I'm going to go watch friends later with Megan. We both love it. My favourite characters are either Phoebe or Rachel. I'm not sure who Megan likes. We know one thing though, we both could not stand Charlie dating Joey or Joey dating the Aussie chick. Today were gonna watch a bit of season 3 because I have the box set 😋. After I go shopping, of course. I love my life. Perfect town, perfect friends, perfect family, perfect school (besides Emma and the Brittany girl), and perfect boyfriend. After me and Caitlyn go shopping, Henry and I are gonna have lunch in the food court. We both love McDonalds ('Merica) and love sushi. I think I might get sushi today cause I don't wanna look really fat for our first lunch date ever haha. I'm going to get get dressed. We picked out what were gonna wear today. I'm going to wear my black crop top and bright floral skirt with my cardigan and Caitlyn's gonna wear this really pretty strapless floral dress. We both need to buy heels desperately as well. The school dance is on Friday night and I'm going with Henry and Caitlyn's gonna ask this boy she likes to go with her. I only have flats and they don't go with the outfit I wanna wear. Anyway, I have to go. Report back later.

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I'm sitting at the food court and and Caitlyn's waiting with me until Henry comes then she's gonna go get her nails done. I picked out a couple different outfits and like 10 pairs of heels. My favourite pair is black and have silver studs going over the top of it. Caitlyn didn't like many of the heels so on like Thursday we are gonna go online shopping. I love to shop. Shopping is love. Shopping is life. I would die if I couldn't shop. Thank god I live in the city now. Oh, btw, our family moved into the city so I no longer have to stay with Cheree, Chris, Georgia or their little kitty Cookie. This week coming is the last week I'm staying with them while mum and dad settle down. We are going to have a thank you party on Friday night and I'm probably gonna get smashed. Haha. Henry just texted me. I have to go 😘

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Caitlyn just came back to sit with me and Henry for a little bit and she showed us her GORGEOUS nails. They are pink and all her fingers have like black lace except her ring finger which has like a beige coloured bow. I LOVE them! Anyway, tomorrow afternoon Henry and I are gonna go to the movies and watch The Vow. I've already seen it like a million times but I love it so much! It's one of my favourite romance movies. And after that Henry and I are going for a midnight swim at his place. He has like the worlds biggest pool. It's so blue and has tiles around it and trees around it like at a resort. It's so beautiful. And it looks so pretty at night. Well, that's all I've noticed from the pictures. I've never been to his place or met his family. I know he has a older sister and little brother. I think his sisters name is Callie and I'm pretty sure his little brothers name is Hugh. For being bogan type people from Australia, they sure have fancy names. Tomorrow nights when he's going to tell his parents about US. I'm going to tell mum when I get home just before Megan comes over so she won't get angry or anything. I don't think Caitlyn's allowed to date but she's dated 2 boys before. One in like year 6 (twelvie) and another last year. She was cheated on both times. And Brittany was the girl she was cheated on with. Both times. So Caitlyn absolutely hates Brittany now. Anyway, Megan's mum is coming to pick Caitlyn and I up and drop off caity and take me and Megan to my house. Henry has to walk home and it's seems like it's gonna rain. I hope it doesn't though.

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So we just finished watching season 4 and Monica and Chandler began Mondler. I love the Mondler moments. They're so adorable. 💘 anyway, Megan has to go home soon cause they live on a property and they might get flooded out cause it's raining REALLY heavily, so while we wait we look through our tumblr dashboards. Megan's blog is about tropicalness (😂) and mines about fashion and hair and stuff. My dashboard was pretty boring so I went on my Instagram (@friendsaddiction_) (follow me ❤️) and made some scenes for it. The website is use to make my scenes is currently down so sources are scarce and I nearly have to do reposts 😫. Oh well I'll survive. I guess. Megan's dads here with their little sausage dog. Since now I permanently stay home and not at a hostel, I get to have a pet of my own choice. We still have troys border collie but troys moving all the way over to England to do work. He's a directer but he hasn't had any major breaks yet. He's going over to film this weird movie but it's in French so I have no idea what it's about...

I give Megan a quick hug and lend her season 5. I say to her "catch ya later alligator" and she replies back "in a while crocodile". Were such nerds sometimes it's not even funny.

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Henry just texted me.

H: hey whatcha up to 😘

M: not a lot babe. Yourself? 💕

H: same haha. Callie just went shopping and bought me an ipad for no reason. Haha #winning

M: omg you're so lucky. If I want something, I have to pay for it

H: haha sucked in. Hey listen, I'm not at school Monday and possibly Tuesday so could you tell joe (cause I lost his number) that I won't make footy training Monday arvy?

M: ok. But first, what's arvy?

H: oh right, back in Australia we called afternoon, arvy. It's shorter and quicker.

M: ok I'll tell him now so I won't forget ☺️

H: thanks 😘❤️

M: k I have to go. ily 💘

H: ily2 ❤️

Henry hates using the heart emojis so he just uses the same 2 ones. Ok I actually have to go cause I have to make dinner. Saturdays my dinner day 😒. I'm cooking beef ravioli 😋. My favourite. Byeeeeee 👋👋👋👋

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