Chapter 7 - Getting Better

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Chapter 7 - Getting Better

Sorry for not writing in you yesterday. I was really busy and studying for an exam I have today after recess. I'm not as nervous as my maths one, but I'm still worried. Oh, and speaking of maths exams, I completely failed mine! Ok so, Emma's in my maths class so she did the exam with me, and since at the start of the year we were friends, she chose her seat next to mine. So, during the exam, Emma was like "oh my gosh Krystelle! Stop trying to talk to me! I'm trying to do my exam! Unlike you. " and then she scoffed at me and then my teacher, Mr. Nolard, ripped up my exam and gave me an immediate fail! I can't believe she would stoop so incredibly low! It's unbelievable what a b***h she's become! Well, I guess she's always been like that. Just that I haven't known about it.

So anyway, I met this really incredibly nice girl yesterday called Megan. She's really nice and so funny. And the best thing is, she knows about my situation (the Dad thing) and she doesn't judge me for it! She's got mid-back length blonde hair and she's tall(er than me aha. By like half an inch). And she said that she would introduce me to her friends today at recess. I hope they're as nice as her. I really do. The last thing I need right now is more nasty people in my life.

I haven't mentioned Henry in a while have I? Well, today in my science class (the only class I have with him), I'm going to confess that I like him and there's nothing that he can do about it. I don't think he feels the same way about me anymore though. I don't even think he felt the same way at all. I see the way he acts and Rachel and Emma. All smug and flirty like he's the big buff king of England and I'm the poor peasant girl who's like Cinderella as a maid. But I guess, Cinderella had a happy ending and married the man of her dreams. I'm only 15 so I'm not gonna marry anyone, but I might find the guy of my dreams. Maybe Henry's just the evil old step-mother who's trying to take away a cute special guy that they know who likes me! And Rachel and Emma are the step-sisters! And Megan is like the cute little mouse Jaq! It's all falling together like a puzzle. Maybe I'll meet my prince this week. Maybe even today! It's not likely, but it could still happen! Anyway, today is a really boring day at school. My subjects are science, English (exam), maths, science again. Oh I hate Thursdays and Fridays. I have to go have breakfast. Mom actually tried with breakfast today and she made us waffles! My favorite! The smell, the texture, the ice cream for breakfast! Oh I can taste it all now. It's making me super hungry!!! Haha well I better go before Troy and Danyon eat it all. Love ya.

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