Chapter 14 - Today's the Day

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Chapter 14 - Today's the Day

Before school Henry sent me a text saying:

"Hey this is Henry. I need to talk to you today please."

Normally he sends like an emoji or a little smiley faces at the end of his texts but not this one. I'm really nervous. I'm not sure if I should hide with Megan in the library or actually face my fears and talk to him at lunch. I just simply don't know what to do. I went to the bathroom in first period to check my phone and I only had a message from Josie saying she was sick and couldn't make it to school today. Last night there was a lot of rain so she might've also been flooded in cause she lives on a property about 40 kilometres out of town. I have science with Henry today and we will be looking under the microscopes then doing discussion questions Ina group of four. Our group has me, Henry, Tamiesha and Sarah. I think Sarah's also flooded out today cause she lives even further away than Josie. Anyway the bell just rang so I have to go to second period.

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Ok so the bell just rang again but this time for lunch. I've decided that im going to talk to Henry if I want to or not. I'm forcing myself, really. Our science went ok and he acted normal but he was flirting less so I was really freaked out about what he's gonna say now. Henry and I sit at pretty much the opposite sides of school. I sit on one side with Caitlyn, Megan and Tamiesha and some of there friends, while on the other hand, Henry sits with Joe and Brittany and all the really pretty popular snobby people. Not saying my friends aren't pretty or popular, it's just that they don't have the personality of those people. I'm going to ask either Caitlyn or Megan to just stand near me when I talk to Henry so I feel less nervous. I hope it helps. I'm starting to head over to a place Henry asked us to meet up at. The basketball court. No one ever hangs out there. Only the sporty and weird kids. Or the American kid. K g2g. Report back soon.

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This is how the conversation went down:

Henry: hey why's Megan here?

Me: oh she just wanted to tag along. Were going to the tuckshop after this.

Henry: oh ok. Can you ask her to just go away for a second please? Not in a rude way or anything. I just want some privacy.

Me: yeah ok if you want me to. *orders Megan to go away for a second*

Henry: so um.... I kinda wanna ask you something.... *twist foot on ground like in the movies*

Me: yeah sure..... Go ahead I guess....

Henry: ok. *takes a deep breath. A really deep breath* would you, Krystelle Elizabeth Meyers, go out with me, Henry James Farrah. I promise I would take care of you and never hurt you. I understand if you reject but please don't. I want to be with you. I want to share special little inside jokes and send you "good morning beautiful ❤️" texts. If it means I would have to leave sitting at the tree at lunch to sit with your friends, it would definitely be worth it. I would never cheat, betray or lie to you. I would cherish you from when the sun goes up until the moon goes down. It would be my pleasure to call you my girlfriend. If I have to give you tucks hop money because you left your lunch at home for the millionth time, so be it. I'll do it. Even if it have to --

I but in:

Me: Henry James Farrah, it would be an honour for me, Krystelle Elizabeth Meyer to call you my boyfriend. I accept whole heartedly. If I have to wake up In the middle of the night and send you cookies or something, I'll be at your doorstep with them. I would love to be your girlfriend. Oh by the way, since were going out, can I borrow some lunch money? I pinky swear I'll pay you back!

He laughs. I laugh. We hug and he quickly gives me a peck on my forehead. He's so tall, for him to physically kiss me on the lips, he would have to actually bend over. He gives me about $5 and I catch up to Megan in the tuck shop line. And because it's so long, she's only just up to the middle right about now. I quickly jump in with her and tell her everything that happened. She says that she wishes that's how it happened with her and Joe. With Megan and Joe, Joe just walked up to her out of the blue and said will you go out with me. It's was just sudden. But they fit together so I guess it kind of evens out. Anyway. It's nearly our turn so I have to go. Ill tell ya more stuff at period three when "I have to pee really badly. So badly I'm about to explode."

-- ❀ --

Arg period threes being so boring and it's only like 20 minutes in. Only like an hour left. Yippee. I just quickly added a pic on Instagram and I noticed that Henry liked it. I guess he "has to pee" as well. Either that or he's using his phone on the toilet. Ew. Right now I have this teacher called Mr Rush and he is like one of the worst band teachers in the world. I have no friends in my band class so it's so boring and since I play the flute, there's not a lot for me to do because the kids who play the saxophone in our band are completely useless. I pretty much just sit there texting Caitlyn who's always in Photography when I'm in band so it's not too bad. It's just that she's in the exam right now so there's no one to talk to. Henry just sent me a snapchat of him on the toilet. Not an image I want to see again for quite a while. I don't know why, butt he boys send each other nudes in year 9 and 10. It's so weird. But I guess it's a guy thing. I have nothing better to do and I've been in here for like 10 minutes and I still don't really wanna go back to band. I wish one of my friends would join. A girl I know that I CANT STAND is in the band and she's so irritating. Her name is Ellise and she gets a little bit annoying. Scratch that, completely annoying. She's one of the sax kids that holds us back. My friend Megan did band all up until last week. The same time I coincidentally became friends with her. She plays the drums so I never really mixed with her. Our seating arrangement goes; drummers, trumpeters, saxophonists, clarinet players then us flutists. She's on the complete other side of the band room. I should probably go back to class now. Even though Mr Rush has probably forgotten I even left. Ttyl ❤️.

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It's now 2nd break so I have to be really sneaky in here or else the goody two shoes girls will tattle tale. I hate those girls. A guy Henry's friends with is Josh and I don't think Josh typically likes me and he has kept on asking Henry things like oh why do you like her? Or she's not even that cute. Why date her? It's kind of mean. I kind of like Josh though. In a friend way. Not that way. Josh hangs out with this kid I can't stand. Even more than Ellise. His name is Louis and he is so annoying. I had to sit next to him all last year in English and so far this year as well. Everyone else gets to sit withs friends, but no, not me. Anyway, I can here girls coming and they don't sound like easy-going girls. Bye-eeeee 👋👋

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Ok so I've had to pee apparently every period and lunch today. People/ teachers are probably starting to think I have an UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) or something. Which is fully not the case btw. I have Miss Mitterrand now for Art and Megan's in my art class so that's alright. Megan is still excited about me and Henry this morning. She thinks it's so adorable. I'm reading a new book now called "The Fault in our Stars". It's by this guy called John Green. He writes a few books like TFIOS. I typically like this one called "Looking for Alaska". I would tell what it's about but I don't wanna give it away. Anyway, g2g. Talk tomorrow xx ❤️😘

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