Chapter 11 - Sick

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Chapter 11 - Sick

I felt really sick this morning and I decided it's probably for the best if I stayed home. Mrs Walsh is so caring of me but she had to go to work so now it's just me and Mr Walsh and they're daughter who's only 3 so she hasn't started kindergarten yet. Her name is Georgia and she's got really long hair for a 3 year old. She wants me to play games with her like dolls and dancing and stuff but I feel so sick I can barely move. Oh and I forgot to tell you, Megan has a boyfriend. His name is Joe and he's 16 so he's a year older than us. He's tall and he has blonde hair and he plays for the football team. He's actually pretty close friends with Henry. We were meant to have science today but since I wasn't here he would have either gone by himself or joined another pair. I've got a lot of catching up to do in Maths now because I used to sit next to Henry so I couldn't concentrate there either. A lot has happened to me in the past week and a half!! I have to go. Georgia's calling out my name. Looks like it's time to play picnics. Woohoo.

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