Monday Continued...

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Ok so it's around 5:30 (in the evening), and today didn't go so well. So, how I was planning on telling Emma about the Dad situation, well I did, and apparently, we aren't close friends at all! Even though it was meant to be a secret, and I told her to swear to not tell absolutely anyone, well, she went and told the most popular girl in school (Rachel, who I hate by the way) and she went a head and spread it through the whole school. Oh, and to add, there's like 750 people in my school!! And even worse, Henry now knows as well! I guess Emma just lives by the saying, "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer." What a little b!tch!!! I can't believe someone who I trusted so much, would do something so horrible!!! What a lowlife! I really need to meet some people who actually care about me for once.

Also, I met Henry today and he kept calling me Christina! I should start calling him Harry now. It just feels like the whole world is against me at the moment. I still have a heap of homework to do and not a lot of time left to do it. Oh well better get started.

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