Chapter 9 - Weekend

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Chapter 9 - Weekend

Ahhh it's finally Saturday! And I even got to sleep in this morning! On Wednesday it's Troys birthday and he gets a dog for his birthday and I know because mom asked me to help her pick it out. It a brown and white Border Collie and it's so cute. But I bet he's gonna call it something like Thrasher cause lately since he broke up with his girlfriend Abbie, he's been listening to a lot of metal music. It's so loud and it hurts my head! I'm more into like Shakira and stuff. More relaxed music. At the end of maths I started to feel really sick so I didn't get to see Henry for the second science lesson so I was kinda disappointed in my stomach aha. I'm feeling a lot better today though . I get that every few months though. It starts to get irritating. I think it may have something to do with homesickness. I'm one of those kids who goes to a persons home during the school week but on the weekends I get to go home. Moms picking me up in about half an hour so I have to go and pack my clothes and get ready and have breakfast and stuff. I love Saturdays just cause I get to see my family again. Oh and when I mentioned cookie (my cat), he's not actually my cat. He's the Walsh's, my hostels cat. But I treat him like he's my own since I'm never home, I never get to have a personal pet. I've got a lot of homework to do for maths and science. Mostly science cause I don't even do any work. I'm to busy dreaming and thinking constantly about Henry. I picture us in our twenties getting married and having a boy, who we call Max, and then twins girls, who we call Summer and Addison (sorry I just have like a festish for calling a. Little girl Addison one day) and then we have another little boy, called Kevin, after my poppy who passed away a few years ago. I want to find out his favorites like his favorite food and colour and animal and tv show and movie and name and number and oh whoops aha I started to get carried away. I'm just so interested in him but I know absolutely nothing about him. Besides how cute he is. Which is over a million out of ten. Moms coming soon now cause it feels like I've been writing forever. I just checked the clock and I've got about 15 minutes left before I have to go. I wish that I had like a robot servant or something really cool to pack up my stuff and set it up again. And the Walsh's don't iron or wash my clothes or dishes and stuff like that like mom does at home. I sure miss her. Thank god she's coming soon. I was up Thursday night crying because of homesickness. It's like a disease. If only there was a cure. Oh well I have to go pack. I might talk to you tonight miss diary. Depends if I take as long to unpack as I do packing. Bye. Kisses!!

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