Chapter 8 - Way Better

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Chapter 8 - Way Better

Ok so today Megan introduced me to her friends Tamiesha and Caitlyn. It seemed as though Caitlyn didn't really like me much. That's just my opinion though. I'm not a very loveable person. It takes a while to warm up to me sometimes. So Caitlyn has bit longer than shoulder length brown hair. And Tamiesha has long dark brown hair. They seem nice. But I'm not gonna trust them that easy though.

I think I actually went pretty good with my English exam. It was probably because Emma wasn't in my class this time. I still can't believe she did that to me. And today in science, Henry and I got partnered up as lab partners. Miss Birch always ensures partners are boys and girls. It's so annoying. I'm the kind of girl that doesn't makes friends with guys easy. It was so awkward when we had to dissect the frogs. We had to actually work as a team and I thought I was going to die of embarrassment since I had to work with him. You know, since the whole Dad thing. But it actually wasn't . We talked and laughed and I actually felt a bit of connection or chemistry or something cute between us. I'd catch him staring at me then quickly turning away when I caught him. I did the same to him. His gorgeous brown hair and his bright blue eyes are absolutely gorgeously stunning. I actually found out where his from. From just talking to him! He's Australian!! I love Aussie 'blokes' aha. His accent is amazing. Now I see why all the girls go for him. He's adorable. He'd talk about back home in the bush where he used to live. It was like Mackay or something. It has a really strange name. He said he lived on a property outside of the city on a sugarcane farm. He said Mackay's like the sugarcane capital of Australia. That's amazing. He said his family actually harvests it and sells it to supermarkets, or as he calls them, grocery shops or something. I found out so much Australian slang! Like our flip-flops, he called them thongs! Like the g-strings! And 'ya jocks' is your underwear. It's so funny listening to him talk cause of all the interesting words I've never heard before. When he said jocks I thought it was like some kind of delicacy thing aha. I'd hate to be the person who ate underwear!! He said over there there is some incredibly cute native animals like emus (which are like ostriches), dingos (wild dogs), koalas (mini bears) and he said Australia's like the snake capital of the world! He said 22 of the top 25 most deadliest snakes live there!! I wonder if Australia has anacondas. Bye bye.

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