Thursday, August 18th, 2016

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  I decided to continue writing about my adventures in Minecraft. It had been a full year since I was permed from Lichcraft, so I started to look for a server just like it. Today I found Applecraft, which had the same claim blocks plugin as Lichcraft, and it allowed you to claim your own property using a golden shovel. The server has an anti-raiding policy, with zero tolerance for raiding, griefing, or stealing. Hackers were also not allowed, which was obvious. The server is an economy type, where to pay for things, you need to use their currency, which were iron, gold, diamonds, and emeralds. They had this thing called wild warp, where you can teleport to a random location in the server. I decided to use wild warp and I actually landed in an unclaimed NPC village on my first try. I automatically started looking for the stone tower/ church found in every village, and claimed and set my home there, which luckily I had two set homes. After claiming my home, I decided to go out and explore, finding that the area was plentiful in sheep, and I found an unclaimed house. It looked pretty decent, even having a farm in the back. Ninja_bob_368 thought I was looking for a town, so I let him teleport me to his town. I set home there and pretended like I was staying; I didn't want to lose an opportunity to grief later. Even if there was a claim blocks plugin, I found that most of the houses and structures on the server were unclaimed. I went to the pvp arena to troll, and I peppered Zjm8 with snowballs. He got angry and slaughtered me with his sword. I thought I would lose my inventory upon death, but I didn't. I was teleported to a stone pillar with my head on it, and a sign below that said "Here lies FieryTiger20." Then Zjm and his friend were exchanging between each other an arrow of harming. When the arrow dropped, I took it and teleported back to my house. They started hunting me down, and I eventually had to give the arrow back. FaysIX then said she had a house she didn't need anymore, and offered to give it to me. I took it and looted the house for materials, which Fays didn't mind. I came out with a few stacks of cobblestone and went back to my stone tower to put them in my chest. I found that next to the wild warp portal, there was a pressure plate that teleported you to the End. When I came, I found that people were battling the ender dragon, so I joined them. When the ender dragon died, a bedrock portal appeared, which was supposed to take you back to the Overworld when you defeated the dragon on your own in single player. One of the dragon slayers accidentally pushed me into the portal, and to my surprise, the credits of Minecraft rolled down really slowly, and there came a story after the credits finished. I got bored waiting for the story to end, so I logged off.  

Minecraft Adventures 2016 (August-December)Where stories live. Discover now