Sunday, November 20th, 2016

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  This new faction stuff has been very exciting because even though I like to grief, it is nice to be able to attack other factions and cause chaos WITHOUT getting banned from a server. I logged on to Mc-central after receiving a group chat text from Reed saying that he would be on. I joined and saw that Reed was trying to cover up all the lava, and I told him not to cover the lava and reported to him my findings about the base's natural defenses. As I was describing the base to him, a bunch of people started to send me teleport requests, which I, of course, denied to prevent invaders from entering the base. Reed said that the base needed dark oak and obsidian, and I packed my valuables away in my chest and set off on a journey to collect dark oak. I ended up in a tundra which was desecrated by raiders, and was dotted with crumbling stone structures. I found spruce and asked Reed if spruce would do, which he said was ugly and needed only dark oak. Journeying further into the wilderness, I came upon a clearing which had a huge forest of thick trees of dark oak wood, which I happily set up a makeshift camp at and started breaking the trees. I ended up collecting 3 stacks of 64 dark oak wood and 37 logs, and I returned them to base. When I returned, Reed said we should raid the faction next door, but I warned him that the faction next door had the same natural lava defenses as Evolve did. I went AFK and when I came back, there was a TNT placed right under the entrance to the enemy faction but Reed was not in the passage because there was lava seeping through the rock in small drops. I asked him if we should go ahead with the invasion, and he said that we should. He pulled the lever and stepped back, and the TNT exploded. Just as I expected, lava went down as the ceiling was broken, and we moved into the opening with caution. He placed a TNT on the border of Evolve right next to the enemy faction's border, and he gave me the order to detonate the TNT. It exploded and caused the lava opening to become larger, which led more lava to pour into the tiny opening, creating a natural lava pool preventing any entrance into the enemy faction. Reed then told me to go to /warp shop and to buy some obsidian. I bought four obsidian stacks, deposited it into the fac's chests, and went out scouting once again to find something to raid. I remembered that a hole was created that led back into the cave system when Reed was expanding the base's ceiling, so I went through the opening and soon found myself in an abandoned mineshaft. It was abundant in rails and ores, and seemed untouched by humans until I got there. I told reed about this, and he told me that he situated the faction next to inactive ones so that people would think that his faction was also inactive. I went away from the mineshaft and went deeper into the cave system to find another natural lava pool, which I filled 3 buckets with and went back to base with my ores, lava, and rails. After depositing my loot, I went exploring again to find some more valuable ores and materials that the faction would find useful. I used /wild and found myself in an area with an abandoned sky base, which was long forgotten and covered in water. There was also a ravine nearby that could be useful to explore, but I resolved to explore the abandoned sky base first. I used the water curtain to climb to the top, which took a long time but I eventually got there. Breaking in to the top, I found that there was only a farm inside the enclosures from viewing the bottom, and was about to use the water inside to head down when I fell out of the pillar and fell to the ground, with the damage killing me. I asked Reed if I could teleport back to him to get my stuff and continue exploring the base, but he didn't answer, so I returned back to the fac base and saw Reed there. The faction that was allied to us, Laviathan, collapsed, and its leader Turtlecreater asked to join, which Reed accepted. I didn't really trust Turtle since he was just a new recruit and could try to pull a fast one on Reed or the faction, so he needs to be watched. Turtle had diamond gear too, which made him an even bigger threat if he tried to attack the faction. Reed and turtle were working on revamping the base, and laid an obsidian floor, walls, and ceiling in place. They broke another hole leading to another part of the cave system, which was a small area containing a chest and furnace. I got two enchanted iron swords, one enchanted iron shovel, and 20 coal from the chest and furnaces, and went back into the cave system to find the mineshaft and procure more raw materials. By the time I was finished mining in the mineshaft, I had procured 30 iron ingots, 5 gold ingots, 1 emerald, 2 stacks and 9 rails, 2 stacks and 28 coal, 1 stack and 46 redstone, and 23 fences! I came back to the fac base, smelted my gold, and logged off.  

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