Thursday, December 29th, 2016

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  I have come back to make a last entry into my blog before making a book summing up all of the adventures that I have had this year. I went onto datpixel and saw that Springwinter's residency had dropped from 58 residents to 52. Most of the town still remained the same, with me still owning a plot, and districts that were just built last time I came on became fully developed. I asked the moderator Putoren if griefing was allowed, and he said that if I did grief, I could get banned. I still used /rtp to find a griefable area, and I spawned in a savannah area with an abandoned lodge and farm, but it wasn't worth griefing. I did /rtp again and landed in a barren savannah area with again no griefable buildings. There was an empty chest, and when I checked, it contained nothing inside. I did /rtp once more and landed in a savannah area again, but this time with a HUGE abandoned town. The town had visible signs of disrepair, and looked like it had been already looted, but it was worth checking out. After setting a home, I explored the town in full detail, finding many chests still locked by players, which meant that the town's owner must have become inactive, and the settlement slowly fell to ruin. One of the more complex structures contained residues of redstone, and upon assumption I thought it was what might have been a monorail station during the town's heyday due to the fragments of redstone circuits scattered through the building. Upon further exploration though, I found that it was an advanced farming system, or at least what was left of it. Still, the redstone components were of value to me, and I soon set to work mining the precious material. As I was mining, I saw people speaking in different languages, with Plutoren warning them to speak in English only. I started speaking in nonsense Latin to annoy him, but he got really mad, and warned me to speak in English, no Latin either. I attempted to begin a protest where we all spoke different languages, and as I started spewing nonsense Latin, he kicked me from the server, saying that it was a final warning about speaking normally and not in Latin. I finished mining the material whilst annoying Putoren along the way, and he said I was becoming real close to becoming banned because I kept harassing him. I returned to my home and deposited the mined rails, and continued to harass Putoren. He said that I should stop, but I pointed out that he said that being annoying wasn't against the rules. He replied that harassing staff WAS against the rule and that he would ban me if I continued. Podracing soon got on, and I said hello and asked him how he was doing. He said he was doing fine, but he didn't remember me. I jogged his memory by reminding him that I was one of the founding members of Springwinter, which he suddenly remembered about how when Springwinter was just a tiny hamlet. iPod offered to show me the outskirts of town, Springfield, which I of course accepted. I toured Springfield, and talked with iPod about a war the town had experienced long ago. After that, I logged off.  

Minecraft Adventures 2016 (August-December)Where stories live. Discover now