Saturday, September 24th, 2016

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  Today I logged onto Applecraft and saw that TheGamerGirl_120 was getting defensive because she griefed JasonTheJason's town. Eventually, the admin Deimo5 came on and put her into jail for 4 hours, before temporarily banning her for 2 days due to the damage she caused. I became inspired by this to start griefing again, and destroyed the lobby of ninja_bob's town and covered it with lava. I covered most of the houses in water and destroyed the farmland. Riffling through the town's chests, I found 3 gunpowder that I would have needed to complete a single piece of TNT to detonate in ninja_bob's town. I went back to my island and crafted a TNT, and I suddenly thought of an idea where I could detonate a TNT in Jason's town instead of ninja's, but since he just got griefed, he didn't let me teleport to his town. I went back to ninja's town and detonated a TNT in his house, and covered it in lava. Then, RosuNeko said he was giving some of his stuff to us, but I couldn't find him anywhere, so I went to the Nether to get some more lava. After getting the lava, I went back to the town and caused a lot of havoc, covering most of the houses in water and lava, and sealing some of the doorways in with cobblestone. I went to a sky observatory above the town and saw the chaos I have created, with most of the streets being covered in lava, water, and cobblestone. When I was finished griefing, I created a video on my YouTube channel (of course, FieryTiger20) about the damage I did to the town. I decided to tell the server about my destructive acts to cause chaos and paranoia. However, no one seemed to care, and I said that it was "just a prank", so I could continue griefing the town. I placed lava on the sky observatory and put water on top of it to create a wall of stone. The water hit the ground and started spreading, and I created a layer of lava on top of that to spread throughout the town. But then my dad came, so I had to log off.  

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