Anakin Wants Her Alive

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Ahsoka was running through the dark. The forest thickened the deeper she got, but she was still being followed. Her attackers were the 501st clones. After a long struggle together, they had suddenly turned on her, mumbling something about and Order 66. Blue lasers were fired from all directions in hopes of killing her. 

Footsteps were coming closer. "My Lord, we've found her!" a clone shouted. All laser fire stopped, and a eerie silence crept over the forest.

A red glowing light surrounded her. Through it, she could sense the presence of her master, Anakin Skywalker. But it was different. He was angry. Very angry. He was an entirely different person, shaped my the influence of evil.

"Master?" she whispered aloud. "What's going on?"

"Order 66, they call it," a voice said. It was mechanical and emotionless, similar to that of a robot.

"What? What does it mean?" she yelled out.

"Love destroyed the Jedi."

Several faces flashed before her eyes: Obi-Wan, Padme, Lux, Anakinall people she knew and loved.

She saw Anakin's face. "I don't care what she's accused of!" He snarled. "Let me in."

A third voice spoke. "I'm sorry, sir. The Admiral's orders stand."

Ahsoka rolled over and opened her eyes. She sat up and looked around. Unfortunately, not much had changed. She was in the same cell, but the door was only ray shielded instead of closed completely.

That was some dream, she thought to herself, splashing water on her face. It made absolutely no sense whatsoever. It must've been a premonition of sorts, but it didn't matter. She ad to keep her focus on the danger of the moment and not 20 or so years in the future.

Dreaming about her master couldn't have been a coincidence. There was something he wanted her to find or something he wanted to tell her. He always had her back, and she figured this would be no exception.

Something flashed out of the corner of her eye. She turned and looked out of her cell to see a key sitting on a table not to far away. "A key card? Master, I knew you wouldn't let me down." Using the force, she picked it up and swiped it beside her door. The ray shield deactivated without a problem. She crept up the stairs, looking both ways for clones, but the hallway was completely empty. To empty, in fact. "I wonder what you have planned..."

Seeing no reason to hang around, she ran from her cell the way she had come in. There was probably another way for her to sneak out unnoticed, but she didn't have time to think about it.

She rounded the corner and stopped short. The security shield sealing off the exit was down, and several clones had been beaten unconscious. This was definitely not the work of her master. "Oh, no," she said, surveying her surroundings. The clone beside her was starting to wake up, so she ran to the door. Her lightsabers and comlink were on the floor, a message ready to play. "My lightsabers?" She clicked the button on her com, and a strange, vague noise played. "Who is this? Why are you helping me?"

The door inside the security office opened, and Commander Fox walked in. She looked up, her eyes wide with surprise. "What's going on here?" There was to way he was going to believe anything she said. At least, not with the clones behind her. There was no point in even trying.

Her mind drew blank as to what to say. She stared a him for a second, trying to come up with a plausible excuse, but nothing came to mind. "It wasn't me," she said feebly before

The commander said nothing and pushed the alarm. The whole prison was a glowing shade of red. Loud alarms made it impossible for her to think, so she simply ran.

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