Chapter Nine: Teammates

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Pulling out his map he followed the green line, checking it every now and again to gather his bearings. The castle looked roughly the same as before, some different art on the walls but otherwise was the same. It took half a hour to weave his way through the castle to a walkway. Pushing through the door he found that the walkway connected the castle to a separate building that rose up much higher then the castle. A few more walkways were above him but not directly above him allowing him to see the sky.

As he pushed his way through the next door he found a small circular room. As he entered his badge buzzed and started to glow lightly, on the wall a circle the same size lit up. Curiously Kyroth held up the badge to the circle and it chimed a stone door slamming shut over the doorway. Quickly he slammed into it trying to get it to open before vertigo overcame him and he slid to the ground as the feeling of movement washed over him.

Finally the motion stopped, to be fair it had probably been short but to Kyroth it had felt quite long. The stone wall slid back from behind him, opposite of where it had been before. Beyond was a large area that had chairs, tables, and sofas scattered about and a few bookshelves that lined the walls. Directly in front of him he found that a large window, he could see a large oval structure from where he was standing but not much else. At either end of the room were doors, his map was showing that he should go to the left.

Shrugging he followed it opening the door to find a hallway with five doors. Two on each side and one in the very back of it. Each one had a plaque on the front that was either blank or had a name on it. Glancing at his map it showed him that the door to his right was his destination. Looking up he found that it had his name on the door. With a wide smile he reached for the door only to be shocked by a small amount of magical energy. "Ouch." He stated shaking his hand from the sharp pain.

It took him a few moments to realize that he still had his key from before. Pulling it out he slipped it into the key hole with ease. Twisting it the lock released and he was allowed into his room. Kyroth thought he could not be shocked any more today when the room he was standing in was exactly like the same room he had stayed in the day before. Everything from his gear to how he had left his bed was the same, the only difference was that his evening meal container was gone. "There is so much magic can do." He stated in surprise as he walked in and closed the door.

Laying the map on his desk he noticed another change, a schedule sat on his desk. Shrugging he picked up the schedule to see that he only had one class for the rest of the week, Magic. It was a simple name for a class but he assumed that it would cover most of the basics.

Quickly Kyroth got undressed and walked into the bathroom, looking at the symbols with curiosity. He pushed the first one and it activated causing water to fall from the ceiling, he had not noticed the small holes in the stonework. At his feet the water went into a drain of sorts before it could get very high. Reaching his hand under it the water he screeched and pulled his hand back placing it under his armpit. The water had been ice cold, possibly even colder then ice.

Pushing the second symbol he noticed that one was bluish white and the newest was red, reaching his hand out he found that the water was warm but not hot. Shrugging he stepped inside and let the water fall over his body. The only description he could use for the experience was being in the rain, but with the water being warm do it was not unpleasant. A small area in the corner had a bar of soap on it, Kyroth used it eagerly realizing it had been a bit since he had washed properly.

Shortly he hit both buttons watching as the water turned off and grabbed a towel to dry off with. Now clean he pulled out fresh clothes from his pack, getting dressed rather quickly. Feeling it would be weird to wear a sword to his first day of class all he did was put his daggers back on and brush his hair a bit, slipping the map into his back pocket again. Snatching up the schedule Kyroth headed out the door.  

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