Chapter 24: Perfect Storm

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It was a quick trip across the treetops as Zerif focused on where they were going.  Kyroth however had kept his eyes fixed on the storm that was picking up speed as well.  He could not fathom what could be causing it, not to mention if Zerif was scared of it that meant it was not good, not good at all.  

The landing was rough, Zerif was off at almost a sprint.  Stumbling a bit he righted himself and started to follow along but not with as much haste.  "What is going on?"  Kyroth asked standing in the doorway to the kitchen.  His teacher was rummaging in a closet, appearing with a backpack and tossing it towards Kyroth.  

Catching the pack he was almost knocked over, it was heavier then he had anticipated.  "We have to go now.  That should have enough provisions.  That storm is as you figured not natural."  He muttered still not giving him a full explanation.  "Pull out your map."  He ordered a bit roughly.

Not wanting to make him mad he pulled it out and set it on the table.  It was interesting to see it out here, the area was very loosely defined.  Some of the general landmarks like the mountains and rivers were there as well as a dot labeled with his name. "Use this if we get separated, just follow it North West towards the school."  

Kyroth studied the map for a little bit as Zerif continued to run around like a mad man.  The wind outside had already started to pick up.  A few of the unlatched shutters slammed open and closed due to it.  Less then half a hour later Zerif grabbed his arm and pulled him outside.  It was a full blown storm at this point, the two were drenched in a matter of seconds.  

With little warning they burst forth on a tornado heading back to the school.  The two made it less then a few miles before something burst out of the dark clouds.  The tornado separated from Zerif as it was aimed to the ground carrying Kyroth away.  The sounds of metal clashing could be heard in the darkness as Zerif had vanished in the storm.  As soon as Kyroth's feet touched the ground the tornado vanished.  

A minute later Zerif hid the ground hard sword in hand.  "Well, this is bad."  He whispered probably more to himself.  Holding out what looked to be a crystal he placed it to his forehead and it started to glow.  A few seconds later he handed it to Kyroth, "When you get back give this to Raven."  

Just as the exchange was made a humanoid creature burst out of the darkness.  It had a female upper half, her legs were that of a birds.  Sprouting from her arms were wings, feathers sprouting where her hair should be.  Zerif deflected the creatures claws sending it back into the darkness.  Stabbing the sword into the ground Zerif pulled his arms around his torso, a green glow formed around him.  Throwing the hands out a huge gale of wind slammed into Kyroth sending him to the ground as well pushing a huge part of the storm away from them.  

True terror filled Kyroth at that point, the now clear area was full of creatures of varying sizes.  A centaur stood near the front a huge scar down its chest.  Electricity rippled around its body, while his hair and eyes were bright green.  "Kyroth listen to me, run as fast as you can.  I will hold them off."  His eyes never left the approaching army.  

"Are you crazy, there is no way you can stand against them."  Kyroth yelled back as he tried to pull his teacher away from them.  A quick shove pushed the young man back.

"I know, but I am the only one and I have to do something."  Zerif said a firm determination in his voice.  Shaking his head Kyroth started to head the opposite direction allowing fear to carry him.  A hundred yards later he stopped and turned, Zerif was doing something unusual.  

His hand was glowing green as he was drawing shapes in the middle of a large green circle of mana in front of him.  The symbols were complex connecting to each other and just hovering in the air.  From what Kyroth could see he was just putting mana into hand and then using it like a pencil.  The creature were coming, running to meet Zerif many of them holding weapons or furious looking beasts.  

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