Chapter 14: Progress

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Aphmau's POV

"Aphmau~Senpai, it's three o'clock in the afternoon, and Kawaii~Chan thinks it's time for you to get out of bed," a muffled voice called through my locked door. Rolling over in my bed, I blindly groped for something to cover my head. Eventually, I just reached up and used one of my pillows to try and block Kawaii~Chan's persistent knocking. A silent groan escaped my lips; I was so happy just sleeping. Sharply knocking on the door again, Kawaii~Chan called my name again.

"Aphmau~Senpai? Are you even in there?"

Much to my extreme displeasure, my senses were fully awake by the third bout of knocking. 

"I'm up," I said, trying to keep the irritation out of my voice. Almost at once, I fell into a harsh, dry coughing fit, my throat feeling like it was going to rip in two. Through intense vertigo, I felt a piercing headache settling in which, combined with my overall soreness and throbbing pains from my wounds, did not help my current mood. Lastly, as I sat up, I was practically covered from head to toe in dried blood, some parts still tacky. When I turned around, my horrors where confirmed as I gazed upon my blood saturated bed.

"Kawaii~Chan has to go to work. There was an emergency and now they're completely understaffed. There should be some leftovers in the fridge," Kawaii~Chan said. Even though my hearing was fuzzy, my ears were still sensitive enough to her footsteps fading away as Kawaii~Chan walked down the stairs. 

"Thank you!" I called out, hoping she wouldn't think I was some leeching jerk. 

Dozens of thoughts sprinted through my head, but the one the stood out the most was about Kawaii~Chan. For the past couple of days, Kawaii~Chan has been an absolute saint. With her taking care of me and making sure I ate an actual meal, I felt like rubbish with me galavanting off to do superhero things without even saying thank you. And since Katelyn was admitted to the hospital, stress levels have been through the roof; Kawaii~Chan been by my side through all of it which takes an amount of bravery I haven't had since I left the Few. I think at this point, I deserve the worst friend award. All this time, Kawaii~Chan has been taking care of me and I've just been ignoring her and taking her for granted.

Trying hard to ignore my sudden onslaught of depression, I stood up with incredible effort, my knees nearly buckling under my weight. Slowly, I inched to the bathroom, stopping every so often to deal with the pain. I used the cold sink to support me, and like I expected, I looked like I had the worst hangover in the entire existence of man.

It certainly felt like that, anyway.

Blood, sweat, and dirt caked my skin, the cuts on my body pink from inflammation. I should have tended to these last night, but I couldn't have lasted another minute. 

Getting some cold water running, I cupped my bruised hands together and splashed some water on my face. I looked at myself in the mirror one last time, almost despising what stared back. Beginning to strip out of the hopelessly ruined Black Canary suit, I took a rag and wetted it under the stream of water, gently running it over my arms, torso, and legs.

In the past, it was usually Kala, Alex, and Castor who did most of the healing. Since Kala had a healing factor, she almost always returned back to the Hall completely healed. The same went for Castor, for his gem not only amplified his physical speed but everything else: his metabolism, his thought process, and yes, his healing abilities. As for Alex, he was just plain indestructible. Unless you had kryptonite tipped arrows, nothing was hurting that man. Er, super... man?

I winced. It stung horribly, but I have defiantly been through much worse. Once most of the dirt and dried blood was gone, I was able to inspect the cuts clearer now. I only counted about three major cuts: one on my right side, my right calf, and one on my left bicep. The others were just small scraps, but they were still enough to make me hiss when I applied a disinfectant.

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